Poetry of the Silent Eros - Subliminal Arousal Toolkit 3.0 (Type A/B)

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The only way to get your hands on the infamous Volume 5 is to purchase the Five Volume Set.

The Poetry of the Silent Eros is a special type of subliminal designed to trigger the deep brain to sexual arousal.  Volume 1 and 2 are silent; 1 is useful for people who speak any language.  2 enhances the arousal and response, but requires that the listener understand English.  3 and 4 are masked versions of 1 and 2.

Volume 5 is a combination of volume 2, volume 4, and a little extra wizardry that isn't in any of the other programs - so you have both silent subliminal and masked subliminal deep brain triggers being played along with subliminal suggestions that enhance the speed, effectiveness and power of the response. Volume 5 is the most powerful of all five volumes, when used properly.

I have found it a wonderful accomplaniment to a nice candlelit dinner, a candlelit bubble bath with incense, full body massage, time in the jaccuzi, or as a combination of sleep aid (the ocean surf makes for some nice relaxing sleep) and "overnight aphrodisiac".  Your partner will find themselves getting in the mood with surprising ease and comfort, and the results are quite enjoyable.  It's a lot of fun.

This program is only for use by and around adults who are aware of and consenting to its use on them. You must be 18 years of age or older to purchase or use this. It comes with complete instructions on how to use it and get the most out of it.

Note - To be elegible for a refund for our aphrodesiac programs you must have used it for a minimum of a month.

“If you want to make some female friends fast…use PSE. I swear this thing is like a real world easy button as long as you give it enough time. Females are much easier to get along with while this is playing. I had one girl in particular who was definitely being affected.”

“I can also testify to the subs. They saved my marriage (from being sexless).”

“My wife was frigid – Poetry of the Silent Eros and female orgasm enhancer restored our sex life. I study Chinese because I live in Shanghai – I get through my flashcards 3 times faster if I listen to the subs while I study (even without continuous overnight usage). My wife’s chest was flat – she gained about a cup size after 3 months and is still growing, I’m not stopping it till she hits DD.”