This is where you will find the meanings of the many terms and acronyms we use here and on the forum. It will be added to regularly. Roughly alphabetical.
AF: | The Alpha Female Subliminal Training Set program. |
Affirmations: | A statement or series of statements that are meant to act as a new belief for the user, which are repeated until the belief dominates. An example might me, "I am now feeling better and better about myself." Affirmations can be spoken or used as scripting for subliminals. Affirmations are sensitive to the personality of the user, the number of times they are repeated, whether they are experienced consciously or subconsciously and the specific wording of the affirmation. As a result, they are generally of poor effectiveness when used by person consciously, and if worded incorrectly will be poor effectiveness regardless of how they are used. Properly worded affirmations can be used successfully in a subliminal script, but are by far not the best way to script a subliminal. |
Afformations: |
Afformations are a question presented to the conscious and or subconscious mind to affect a change in beliefs and to achieve an outcome, which assumes the truth of a premise that is not yet true, but which is desired. An example might be, "Why am I so incredibly rich?" The premise of this question is, "I am incredibly rich." If this is presented to the conscious mind, it will recognize that the premise is currently false and simply respond with, "I'm not rich,", thus negating the potential positive impact. The subconscious, however may accept the premise as true, and the idea is that by causing it to accept the premise as true, it will cause the premise to become true outwardly. The value and effectiveness of afformations is disputed. |
AM: | The Alpha Male Subliminal Training Set program. |
AOL: | The Aura of Love subliminal program. |
ARA: | The Anxiety Relief Aid subliminal program. |
ARL: | The Attract Romantic Love subliminal program. |
AS: | The Appetite Suppressant subliminal program. |
ASC: | The Absolute Self Confidence subliminal program. |
ASR: | The Advanced Stress Relief subliminal program. |
ASRB: | Audio to Silence Balancer Ratio. This is a regular insertion of a specific amount of silence into the audio of a program to balance it for maximum execution with minimum energy usage. It is found in 5.5G subliminals and 5.75 through 5.75.6G subliminals. 5.75.7G and higher subliminals currently do not use this, as a scripting solution has been found to replace it. |
ASRB2: | Audio to Silence Balancer Ratio #2. This is the ratio of days of use to days of rest in which you use a subliminal in order to balance the demands the program makes on your brain for energy to execute it. This is necessary with 5.75.0G subliminals and higher because they require so much energy to run that exhaustion results without it. |
ASS/ART: | Anti-Self Sabotage/Anti-Resistance Technology. The scripting that is designed to prevent and stop self sabotage efforts by the subconscious, as well as resistance attempts and efforts. |
APE: | The Attract Positive Energy subliminal program. |
AutoConfig: | A module in IML subliminals of 5.75G and later which seeks to trigger your own subconscious mind to figure out what the optimal usage patterns are and then communicate that to your conscious mind via urges, so that if the best settings for you are different than what is in the instructions, you can know what needs to be changed and how. These urges will manifest themselves as a desire to do something different; this is usually a change in loops per day on, or the number of days on, or days off, and sometimes will be a different volume or format being urged. If you get these urges while using a 5.75 G subliminal or later, follow them. |
AYP: | Any of the 4G Attract Your Perfect manifestation subliminals, being referred to as a group. |
Back Masking: | A method by which one can confuse the conscious mind and bypass it by reversing whatever speech is being used. Also known as "Reversed Speech". This method is controversial as to whether or not it works, and how well. |
BAMM: | The Become a Multi-Millionaire subliminal program set. |
BASE: | The Become A Successful Entrepreneur subliminal program. |
BE: | The Breast Enlargement subliminal program. |
BIABW: | The Become Irresistibly Attractive To Beautiful Women subliminal program. |
Binaural Audio: | Special audio which is a blend of two specific carrier tones. These carrier tones have specific frequency which is chosen because of the difference in frequency between them. One is played on the Left Channel, and one is played on the Right Channel through headphones or earbuds. The result is that your brain experiences a third sound, which is a pulse at the difference in frequency between them. The brain then adjusts itself to run at the frequency of this third sound, and in doing so, adjusts your state of awareness to match. Binaural audio is therefore useful for intentionally and precisely adjusting your brainwave frequency to match what you want to experience. |
Bloom: | The effect resulting from stopping the input part of the Input-Decode-Process-Execute cycle of subliminal usage that the subconscious mind goes through while you use a subliminal experience. Without input, the subconscious can finish decoding and processing the subliminal audio, and then focuses entirely on execution. This causes what is termed "bloom", where the effects of the program increase. Bloom typically happens most with 5.5G and later subliminals. |
BWE: | Brain Wave Entrainment. A phenomenon in which your brain attempts to operate at the same frequency as a sound you are listening to, or some other rhythmic stimulus, such as pulsing or periodic light. This allows you to use special audios and/or visual stimulus designed to achieve specific states of awareness by exposing the brain to exactly the right frequency. Related to, but not the same as, Binaural Audio. |
BYBH: | The Balance Your Brain Hemispheres subliminal program. |
Carrier Tones: | The tones which make up the base for binaural or other similar forms of neuro-active audio. Carrier tones are chosen for their specific pitch frequency, and if there are two or more, how those frequencies interact. |
CHA: | The Cancer Healing Aid subliminal program. |
CSA: | The Core States of Awareness brainwave entrainment set. |
CUPR: | The Chronic Useless Pain Relief subliminal program. |
DFS: | Dual Format Subliminals. Titles which are built as both Masked format and Ultrasonic format using the same script. |
DMSI: | The Develop Maximum Sexual Irresistibility subliminal program. |
DNWS: | The Disconnect From Negative Work Stress subliminal program. |
DRA: | The Depression Relief Aid subliminal. |
DRS: | The Directional Reflection Shield subliminal program. |
DZA: | The Develop a Zen Attitude subliminal program. |
EHPRA: | The Emotional Healing & Pain Relief program. |
EIP: | The Everything Is Possible subliminal program. |
EM: | The Exercise Motivation subliminal program. |
ESE: | The Extreme Self Esteem subliminal program. |
EYI: | The Enhance Your Intuition subliminal program. |
FYPJ: | The Find Your Perfect Job subliminal. |
Format: | The way a specific script is built into a subliminal audio program. There are three formats: Masked, Ultrasonic and Hybrid. Masked format is made by using a technique called "volume differencing" to hide the subliminal audio in the masking audio by reducing the volume of the subliminal audio until the conscious mind cannot make sense of it. Ultrasonic format is made by using a technique called "pitch differencing", which takes the audio to be made subliminal and adjusts its pitch until it is too high for the conscious mind to make sense of, but the subconscious can still comprehend it. Hybrid format is the careful and precise combining of Masked and Ultrasonic formats to create a significantly more powerful dual input channel approach. Each format will have its strengths and weaknesses according to who uses it and how it is used, which is why we offer all three. |
FTSS: | The Forex Trading Support & Success subliminal program. |
GEHO: | The General Hormone Optimizer subliminal program. |
GPR: | The General Pain Relief subliminal program. |
GT: | The Grow Taller subliminal program. |
HME: | The Housework Motivation & Enjoyment subliminal program. |
HOFY or HOY: | Hormone Optimizer For Youthfulness. |
HOWL: | The Hormone Optimizer for Weight Loss subliminal program. |
IYE: | The Improve Your Eyesight subliminal program. |
LFC: | The Laser Focus & Concentration subliminal program. |
LGPR: | The Let Go of Past Relationships subliminal program. |
LTU: | The Life Tune-Up subliminal program. |
LM: | The Luck Magnifier subliminal. |
LYBP: | The Lower Your Blood Pressure subliminal program. |
Masked: | A subliminal format that makes the subliminal audio subliminal by "hiding" it in a louder sound, which is known as the "masking sound". |
MFW: | The Maximum Fertility For Women subliminal. |
MHS: | The Maximum Healing Speed subliminal program. |
MLS: | The Maximum Learning Speed subliminal program. |
MIR: | The Maximum Immune Response subliminal program. |
ME: | The Male Enhancement subliminal program. |
MELO: | The Male Enhancement, Length Only program. |
MSS: | The Maximum Sales Success subliminal program. |
MYP: | Any of the 5G Manifest Your Perfect subliminals being referred to as a group. |
NSLW: | The Natural Song & Lyric Writing subliminal program. |
NSM: | The Natural Seduction For Men subliminal program. |
OE: | Optimus Engine. This is a piece of self optimizing polymorphic script that causes your subconscious to find the best way to achieve a given goal. May also refer to the Orgasm Enhancer subliminal program. |
OED: | The Overcoming Erectile Dysfunction subliminal program. |
OF: | The Overcoming Fear subliminal program. |
OGSF: | The Overcoming Guilt, Shame & Fear subliminal program. |
OPA: | The Overcome Pornography Addiction subliminal program. |
OVM: | The Overcome The Victim Mentality subliminal program. |
Paraliminal: | A method of bypassing the conscious mind to inject instructions directly into the subconscious which is neither subliminal or supraliminal. It is heard by the conscious mind, but cannot be consciously understood because it overloads the conscious mind. Examples of this would be normal audio that has been set up for stereo confusion, backmasking, and massive multiplexing. |
Perceptory Pressure: | The term "perceptory pressure" refers to the subconscious' perceived motivation and urgency to act on and execute subliminal instructions according to how loudly the program is played. It is similar to the range of difference between whispering to someone to do something, saying it conversationally, raising your voice to say it and getting out a megaphone and screaming into it. A whisper isn't very urgent or motivating, whereas a megaphone will be much more so. Too little perceptory pressure (too little volume) does not have enough motivating effect and urgency to act, and too much may trigger a negative reaction and resistance (don't yell at me!). The key is to achieve the right balance of urgency and motivation to get the best execution and action response from your subconscious, which requires using the right volume and format. |
PSE: | The Poetry of the Silent Eros subliminal program. |
PTPA: | The Positive thinking, Positive Attitude subliminal program. |
RNW: | The Remove Negativity Within subliminal program. |
SARM: | The Sexual Arousal Magnifier subliminal program. |
SDAF: | The Stop Drinking Alcohol Forever subliminal program. |
SDM: | The Sex Drive Maximizer subliminal program. |
SE: | The Self Esteem subliminal program. |
SIA: | The Sleep Induction Aid subliminal program. |
SM: | The Sex Magnet subliminal program. Also may refer to the Stop Masturbating subliminal program. |
SR: | The Stress Relief subliminal program. |
SS: | The Stop Stuttering subliminal program. |
SSF: | The Stop Smoking Forever subliminal program. |
STC: | The Seek The Challenge subliminal program. |
Stereo Confusion: | A method of making paralimnals that allows you to hear normal speech and be overwhelmed by it at a conscious level, which causes the conscious mind to ignore it, allowing it to directly reach the subconscious even though it may be as few as two voices. |
Subconscious Boredom | Subconscious boredom is a rare phenomenon that usually follows a pattern of showing up at around the 3-4 month mark for usage of the same title and typically results in going from good results to a trailing off of results. It means the subconscious needs a change to either nothing or a different input for a while. This phenomenon is not universal, and only happens with certain personality types. It is also not guaranteed to happen for every title. |
Subliminal: | Anything experienced by any of your senses that is "below the threshold of conscious detection". In this case, it refers to audio programs consisting of a set of spoken instructions, affirmations and or afformations, and sometimes a masking audio. |
Supraliminal: | An approach to bypassing the conscious mind to access and influence the subconscious mind by passing information "above the threshold" of conscious detection. This is a method commonly used in the form of ultrasonic audio programs, but it is almost universally known as "subliminal" (below the threshold) instead, simply because that is the term everyone uses. |
TAS: | The Transformational Absorption Shield subliminal program. |
TID: | An acronym for Temporal Impact Displacement. This is a phenomenon that results from the P6 advanced technology module in the skeleton script. It refers to actually experiencing the effects of the subliminal before you start actually using it that results from P6. This effect may start as much as months before you begin using the program. The degree to which people experience TID depends on how much they accept or fight the instructions. TID is a "fading in" of the effects of the program over time that peaks as you start using it for the first time, so those who try to fight the instructions will have a shorter and less frequent experience of TID since it's not as powerful as using the actual program. TID may be experienced before you know you'll be using a program, and even before you are willing to use it. Shannon has even experienced it before he even knew he was going to build the program in question. |
Tidal Effect: | The sometimes observed effect of a program making progress, and then having the progress seem to fade or be reversed, followed by more progress, and then more resistance, which continues until the reason for the resistance is dealt with and the progress moves on to the next necessary accomplishment. This happens because some part of the subconscious responds with fear to the progress being made, but the program keeps going and makes progress again. Sooner or later, what is feared becomes familiar enough that it is no longer feared, and the progress is made. |
TLAM: | The Think Like A Millionaire subliminal program. |
TM: | The Testosterone Maximizer subliminal program. |
TO: | The Testosterone Optimizer subliminal program. |
Turmoil: | The state of conscious and or subconscious disruption caused by attempting to mix and use two or more subliminals of 5th Generation and higher at the same time. May include headaches, confusion, cloudy-headedness, inability to focus, exhaustion, irritability and anger, among other things. |
TUW: | The Ultimate Weapon subliminal program. |
UD: | The Universal Detox subliminal program. |
UH: | The Universal Healing program. |
Ultrasonic: | Sound which is above the range of normal human hearing. There is a small window of the low ultrasonic which can be used to make a sound perceptible to the subconscious while the conscious cannot tell what it is. This area is used to subliminalize the script audio of an ultrasonic subliminal to make it subliminal. Technically, that creates a "supraliminal" (above the threshold) instead of a "subliminal" (below the threshold), but most people know it as a "subliminal". |
UMOP: | The Ultra Motivation/Overcoming Procrastination subliminal program. |
UMS: | The Ultimate Monetary Success subliminal program. |
US: | The Ultra Success subliminal program. |
USLM: | The Ultra Success/Luck Magnifier subliminal program. |
WL: | The Weight Loss subliminal program. |
WM: | The Woman Magnet subliminal program. May also refer to the Winner's Mindset subliminal program. |
X124: | The X124 subliminal aphrodisiac program. |
X24: | The X24 subliminal aphrodisiac program. |
X32: | The X32 subliminal aphrodisiac program. |
X4A: | This is a series of aphrodisiacs (the eXperimental Auric Arousal Amplifier Aphrodisiac) which are designed to turn the personal energy field (sometimes known as the "aura") of a man into a sexually arousing aphrodisiac to women he is attracted to. As of this writing, X4A-1511 is publicly available and X4A-2000 is awaiting publication. |