Overcoming Premature Ejaculation 5.11G (Type A/B/C/D Hybrid)


This program is not designed or intended to be or act as any kind of medical diagnosis, treatment or cure for any disease or condition.  It is not first aid, nor is it designed or intended to replace proper medical or psychological attention, diagnosis, treatment and/or care from an appropriate and properly licensed medical or psychological professional. It is not designed or intended to replace any drug, be a treatment for cancer or be used to or relied upon to save lives.

End Disclaimer

About This Experience

Pro Tip: Surprise! This program isn't just useful for men experiencing premature ejaculation! 

If you...

  • Are experiencing premature ejaculation
  • Want to improve your control of when you orgasm
  • Want to last long enough to bring her off multiple separate times
  • Like showing off how good you are in bed
  • Enjoy pleasure torturing your lover(s) for very long times
  • Want to spend more time enjoying the sex act itself, and not just orgasm
  • Would like to achieve better sexual stamina
  • Want to get into the adult entertainment industry

...then this experience is for you!

If you are experiencing premature ejaculation (PE), whether it is occasional or frequent and regardless of whether it is recent or has been happening for a long time, this program is designed to help you achieve a situation in which you can have physical sex however you want, for as long as you like, and orgasm when you consciously choose to.

It can also help men who do not have PE improve their sexual stamina and performance.

What Does This Experience Do?

When I started looking into PE and what causes it, I found that the common consensus of what causes it and what actually causes it are not necessarily even close to the same thing.  The result?  A lot of guys suffer from PE because they aren't doing the right things to put the real causes of it to bed.  And how can you, if you don't know what they are?

Now, you don't need to know what they are, because I've done the work for you and figured that part out.  This program is designed to get your very own subconscious mind to comfortably work you through all of the real reasons for PE (which turn out to be rather surprising because they're definitely not what I was expecting them to be).

So what are they?  Well that's a trade secret.  I don't care to just give away the secrets I have spent my time and money discovering so everyone can try to compete without having made any effort to do the R&D for themselves.    But what I will say is this:

  1. There are several of them, not just one or two.
  2. Not every man suffers from all of them. 
  3. They are not what I was expecting them to be, and some of them were totally unexpected and eye-opening surprises.
  4. I would never have figured out some this information without using my predictive models, so I'm pretty confident that nobody else knows what some of these are.
  5. I was able to find solutions that should be very effective for the vast majority of men for every one of the causes.

PE is not the same for every man who experiences it.  Some men will have only one of the causes, and others may have some or even all of them to deal with.  And if you are dealing with PE, it's not your fault that you experience this situation.  But there is a solution, and for many of you, this program is it.

This experience is designed to get you to naturally, comfortably and successfully work yourself through whatever of the reasons for PE you happen to be dealing with personally.

Some of these reasons are faster to work through and deal with than others.  OPE isn't a light switch.  But if you follow the instructions, you'll find that it is extremely helpful for overcoming PE - and doing so for the long term.

What Are The End Goals Of This Experience?

Simply put, this experience is trying to get you to the point that you can have any kind of physical sex you want, for as long as you like, with or without a condom, and as actively or passively as you prefer, without achieving orgasm until you consciously make the choice to do so.  At the same time, it is also aiming to make it possible for you to fully enjoy the sex you have.  Ultimately, the goal is NO COMPROMISES.  You have better sex, and you both (or you all) enjoy it.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: How long will it take for me to start seeing results from this program?

A: Most men who use this program will notice that it starts producing results in between 1 hour and 2 weeks of the start of use, depending on a variety of factors including, but not limited to: your age, physiology, sexual health, how many of the causes of PE you are dealing with, which causes you are dealing with, what your triggers for PE are, how you use the program and other factors as well.

Q: How will I know it's working?

A: At first you may or may not see noticeable changes; but over time (and how much time will depend on the particular man), as it begins to take effect and do its job, things will become more and more balanced and easier to maintain without finishing too quickly. 

Don't worry if at first you don't succeed, or see immediate or very obvious results right away.  How it works - and how quickly - will depend on what it needs to get you to do, and some of the causes for PE require more time, patience and subtlety to deal with than others.  Basically, the best thing you can do is set it and forget it.  But don't forget to use it according to the instructions!

Q: Will this program make me a better lover?

A: It is designed to help you get past PE and make it possible for you to enjoy any kind of sex for as long as you choose to.  It is not designed to teach you any particular sexual skills or techniques, or give you experience or knowledge you don't already have. 

Q: Does this program help me get hard and stay hard?

A: No.  It causes you to develop a state in which you can have physical sex and enjoy it fully for as long as you like without achieving orgasm until you consciously choose to.  If you need help with achieving and maintaining an erection, then consider the program titled Overcoming Erectile Dysfunction.

Q: How long will the effects of this program last?

A: That depends on whether you use it for long enough to fully work through the causes of your particular case of PE.  If you do, it will be a long term to permanent effect, although there are aspects of the program that may benefit from refreshing regardless.

Q: Can I use this experience right before I have sex?

A: This program is not designed for "in the moment" use as desired.  You can use it before sex, but only on an "on" day, and only by timing your use of it to preclude sex.  In other words, don't try to use it before sex on days off, and don't try to use it more than 1 loop per day on.

Q: Can this be used by gay or bisexual men?

A: Yes.  It is not limited to use by straight men.

Q: Does this title have an auric shield?

A: Yes, it uses the Grounding Shield, which sends negative energy and intent into the ground to be recycled into different energy.

Q: Can I use this with hormone therapy or steroids?

A: Yes.

Q: Can I expose this program to children or females?

A: NEVER expose any child under the age of legal adulthood, or any genetic female to this program! 

Q: Why would I use this program when I can just pull out before I get too excited and wait a bit?

A: You certainly can do that, but not without interrupting - and potentially derailing - sex.  And let's be real here, if doing that was making you happy, you wouldn't be reading this, would you.  Once this program has achieved its goals, you should be able to have sex for as long as you like without interruption, and you will be able to bring her off multiple separate times (if she is capable of that, and you know how) instead of just hoping to get her to a single orgasm before you pop.

Q: Can this program be used by men who do not have PE?

A: Yes.  It is designed such that even if you have none of the causes of PE, it can be used to help with improving your sexual performance and allowing you to enjoy sex while choosing when to orgasm.  This makes it potentially useful for almost everyone.

Q: Does this program have a gender or age limiter?

A: Yes, it has both.  It is designed to only work for males who have XY chromosomes and who are legally adults.

Q: Can I use other subliminals at the same time I am using this one?

A: That is a HARD NO, with one exception, which is using this program occasionally instead of frequently.  It will compete with anything else you're using for resources.  So if you're using something else, limit your use of this particular program to 1-2 times per week.

Q: How long is one loop of this program?

A: This program is 60 minutes of audio per loop.


It is important that you always use this experience from a cell phone through the cell phone speakers if it is at all possible to do so, and keep the cell phone within arm's reach while using this program; this is necessary for achieving specific accurate control of the volume.

Exposure Time

Use this experience for 1 loop per day on, for 4 days on and 2 days off per usage cycle. 

One full run-through is 2 or 9 months of these usage cycles, depending on your specific reasons for experiencing PE.

Unsurprisingly, different causes for PE require different amounts of time to deal with.  Many men will be able to achieve the goals of the program after 2 months of the usage cycles stated above.  If you have achieved the goal of the program after 2 months, you can stop there. 

If not, your particular reasons for PE will require more time to overcome, and you will want to run it for 9 months.  This is because certain causes for PE require a very delicate and gentle approach, and therefore require an extended time to slowly and gently work you through them.  If you happen to need 9 months, be patient with yourself, and keep going.

If you experience urges to use this program in a different way, especially if the urge is a craving, follow the urges, as this will be the AutoConfig scripting getting your subconscious to optimize the usage patterns for you. However, if you experience the desire to use this program for less time than instructed, be careful, as this may be a subconscious effort to escape from the program.


To achieve the best results from this program, use the ultrasonic format on a cell phone through the cell phone speakers, keep it within arm's reach while you listen, and use it at the best volume. 

The best volume will be as follows:

For users of Android phones with 15 total possible clicks of volume, play it at a volume of 12 out of 15 clicks.

For iPhone users, who have a total of 16 possible clicks of volume to work with, use it at a volume of 13 out of 16 clicks.

For Google phone users who have a total of 30 possible clicks of volume to work with, use it at a volume of 24 out of 30 clicks.

For those who have any other kind of phone, or a phone with any other number of clicks of volume, play it as close to 80% of maximum volume as you can get it.

Refund Requirements

To be eligible for a refund, you must use this program for at least six months consecutively according to the instructions without having any discernible effect from using it.

SHA256 Sums

[shannon@LW520PCL compressed]$ sha256sum *

857ad41512e55a8e78c3b2bd00031523a95a79ed9bad32cfffdd258a13d84e0d Overcoming_Premature_Ejaculation_5p11G_HDA_40_Hybrid_Subliminal_(Ocean_Surf_Silent).flac

6bfc1d46c4454398e652de3d8cc584a546d31f8a309fb68cec746060b371ba54 Overcoming_Premature_Ejaculation_5p11G_HDA_40_Hybrid_Subliminal_(Trickling_Stream_Silent).flac

6f0c1a4c723d4cd184af5662326570092ea787cfe8153e309ec0cc02f490798a Overcoming_Premature_Ejaculation_5p11G_HDA_40_Masked_Subliminal_(Ocean_Surf).flac

5f40122980bb04c73a76d8eb26f1073e8021da7a5670b7ac76d2e50558435000 Overcoming_Premature_Ejaculation_5p11G_HDA_40_Masked_Subliminal_(Trickling_Stream).flac

9823bccf2083abdd3445b284cec6ee1603c40e233881a169ada7cd49d49abd4f Overcoming_Premature_Ejaculation_5p11G_HDA_40_Ultrasonic_Subliminal_(Silent).flac

[shannon@LW520PCL compressed]$ sha256sum *.txt

f159cbd55db73ec8b64de7f0ff7d040fcbef64412aca4ec043c24748a3b00926 Overcoming_Premature_Ejaculation_5p11G_SHA256Sum_Hashes.txt

[shannon@LW520PCL compressed]$