Overcoming Guilt, Shame & Fear v3.0 (6G)

Disclaimer:  Overcoming Guilt, Shame & Fear v3.0 in 6G is for ADULTS ONLY.  Do not EVER expose this program to any person under the legal age of adulthood!  NEVER expose this program to any person who has any mental or emotional disorder or disturbance unless directly supervised by a mental health professional.

This program is not designed or intended to diagnose or treat any medical or psychological condition that should be diagnosed, treated or handled by a medical or mental health care professional.  No claims are made, expressed or implied that it is anything but an aid for helping you deal with and overcome guilt, shame and fear, and the traumas that can cause those emotions. If you need medical or psychological help, please see an appropriate medical or psychological professional.

You and you alone are responsible for your use and all results from your use of this program.

WARNING: This program is extremely powerful and very cathartic.  If you have moderate or severe trauma to process, you should make sure you have some sort of emotional support system to rely on while using this program! 

About This Experience

What's New in Version 3.0?

  • It is now built in the 6th Generation scripting and build technology.
  • The Key Script Proper (KSP, which tells your subconscious what the goals of the program are) has been upgraded to 6G scripting standards.
  • The KSP has also been heavily optimized to make it more smooth, effective and successful.
  • The Fear Removal Module (FRM) has been upgraded to 6G standards.
  • FRM has been heavily optimized to make it much more efficient, smooth and comfortable to run.
  • The FRM has also been optimized in special ways that make it much more effective and successful.
  • The entire program has been optimized to be easier, more comfortable and smoother to run.
  • And more!

These changes and improvements allow for much shorter listening times per day, while increasing impact, power, effectiveness, efficiency, success and comfort. See the instructions at the end for more details.

What Is This Program Designed To Do?

If guilt, shame and fear are holding you back from achieving freedom, success and happiness - and let's face it, that is almost everybody - then this subliminal experience can make a big positive difference in your life.

This program is designed to get your own subconscious to look deep within you, find the roots of your guilt, shame and fear, and then steadily help you work on, process and overcome them at your own pace. And since trauma is a leading source of guilt, shame and fear, this program has a heavy dose of instructions for healing traumas in it, also.

Now take a moment to think about what you could be doing with your life if you weren't held back by guilt, shame and fear, or the traumas that may have caused them.  What would it feel like to be free of these slave drivers?  What kind of achievements and success could be yours for the taking if you didn't have guilt, shame and fear binding you, standing in your way and holding you in place?

In other words... how much of your life, your time, your potential, your happiness and your success has been flat out wasted because of guilt, shame and fear?  All those dreams you have that you don't achieve because of guilt, shame and fear.  All of the potential you have that just sits there, wasting away, becoming less and less as time goes by and you age.  Time waits for neither any man, nor any woman.  Time is the most precious resource you have, because once it's gone - there's no getting it back.

Will you be one of those people who looks back on their life as they lay on their deathbed, and regrets what you could have and should have done, been, achieved, experienced, had when it's finally too late to do anything about it?

Or are you going to free yourself from the pain, the trauma, the suffering, the limitations and the chains, and decide that it's time for you to truly live your life, be free, achieve your goals and potentials, and discover what true happiness, real freedom, and what all of your potential for accomplishment and success really is?

It's time for those who have had enough suffering and limitation as a result of guilt, shame and fear to do something about it.  It's time for Overcoming Guilt, Shame & Fear v3 in 6G!

OGSF v3.0 in 6G features...

  • Much, much higher impact, effectiveness and power levels than Version 2.0 was capable of.
  • A deep Detox Module, affecting mind, body and emotions.
  • The Trauma Healing & Clearing module.
  • The Fear Removal Module.
  • The Guilt Removal Module.
  • The Shame Removal Module.
  • A specialty aura for saturating the user in Guilt, Shame & Fear Removal.
  • Highly specialized, extremely advanced scripting that enables the program to effectively and successfully work with and communicate with parts of your subconscious that do not comprehend spoken words.
  • Self Esteem Improvement Scripting.
  • Self Forgiveness scripting.
  • Self Appreciation and Love Scripting.
  • Scripting for refusing to allow yourself to be manipulated, controlled or influenced by anyone attempting to use guilt, shame and/or fear to do so.
  • Scripting to keep you safe by using your logical thinking, considering your choices and actions (and their consequences) before you act, and always doing what you know to be the right thing.
  • Scripting to make the emotional and trauma healing and clearing process as easy (and comfortable) as possible.
  • And much more.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Who should not use this program?

A: This program should not be used by or exposed to any person under the legal age of adulthood. It is not designed for the unique considerations and needs of that age group.

It should not be used by anyone who has been diagnosed with or is otherwise known to have a serious mental disorder, such as psychopathia, narcissism, borderline personality disorder or other such disorders without the direct instruction and supervision of a psychological health professional. 

This program should not be used by anyone who has been diagnosed with any form of insanity without the direct instruction and supervision of a psychological health professional. 

Nobody who is violent or abusive should use this program without the direct instruction and supervision of a psychological health professional. 

Also, if you are pregnant or nursing, please consult a doctor before using this program, as the detox module and the process of working through the guilt, shame, fear and any traumas involved will potentially produce changes to your body that may result in changes to your blood, hormone levels and/or breast milk.

Q: Can this program be used to help deal with PTSD?

A: Yes, and when used properly, can be very helpful for that purpose.  However, this program should not be used as the first option for dealing with PTSD unless your emotional health care provider instructs you otherwise. 

Instead, you should use this program (if needed) after using something like Emotional Healing & Pain Relief Aid (EHPRA).  It is a good idea regardless to use this program with the supervision of a professional health care provider when dealing with PTSD so that you have a support system on hand to help you deal with the trauma healing process.

Q: What kinds of traumas does this program try to deal with?

A: This program instructs your subconscious to try to process, heal and move past all of your traumatic experiences, but not all at once.  It does not limit its efforts to any particular type.  All traumas have the potential for resulting in feelings of guilt, shame and fear.

If you have suffered severe or extreme trauma, please use this program with supervision from a mental health professional who can help and guide you through the trauma healing process.

Q: Can I use this program with any other programs?

A: NoDO NOT use this program with any other program, AT ALL.  That restriction includes any separate shields, even if they are in 6G. 

The reason for this restriction is that this program balances an extremely delicate task (working with guilt, shame, fear and trauma) with an incredibly powerful technology set, and balances these two on a razor's edge.  Adding anything else into the mix will disrupt this program and produce problems, the best of which would be getting no benefit from using this program. 

Q: Won't I do bad things without guilt, shame and fear in my life?

A: While guilt, shame and fear can be useful for helping to keep children and animals from "doing bad things", they are not useful for adults who can actually think, and have enough experience, maturity and common sense to know better.  This program works to eradicate guilt, shame and fear, but it also balances this out by engaging you to think and consider the consequences of your actions before you do something, and to always do what you know is the right thing to do.  There are other important safeties as well.  Ultimately, however, it is you who decides whether or not you will choose to "do bad things", and you are responsible for the decision to do or not do bad things, and all of the consequences if you should choose to do them.  

Q: Don't guilt, shame and fear keep me safe?

A: It is a common misconception that things like guilt, shame and fear "keep you safe".  However, these emotions are only useful for "keeping you safe" when you're a child, not finished developing or an animal.  Once you have enough experience, understanding, common sense and maturity to call yourself an adult, you have the knowledge and understanding to keep yourself safe without them.  At that point, they're just holding you back unnecessarily. 

Q: Can I expose children to this program?

A: No!  This program is designed to be used by ADULTS ONLY.  Children don't have the experience, capacity, development or understanding to know how to handle what this program does and it's effects safely while they are developing.  It is age limited to 18+, but NEVER expose ANY person under the legal age of adulthood to it, regardless! 

This program has not been designed for use by anyone under 18 years of age and therefore cannot be used safely by persons under 18 years old.  There is too much development and change happening in children and teens under 18 and this program does not and cannot properly take these factors into account.

Q: Is there anything else I should know about this program or its effects?

A: This is an extremely powerful program.  For most people, it will be noticeable when it is doing it's job.  Some may experience periods of irritability, tiredness or anxiety while using this program. Occasionally, people will experience periods of feeling unusually warm, or unusually cool.

For some people and some personality types, there is a response to dealing with deeply buried serious traumas, or major guilt, shame and/or fear that may temporarily result in certain gastrointestinal disruptions, such as constipation, diarrhea or in rare cases, food sensitivities or gastrointestinal cramping. 

This is normal for certain types of personalities when they are processing and healing serious trauma, guilt shame and/or fear.  Unless it is debilitating, you should try to keep going in order to work through the trauma. If you experience diarrhea, make sure to stay sufficiently hydrated.  Over-the-counter anti-diarrhea medication may be used.

What is happening is that the parts of you that are deep, primal and hold your earliest memories also (in some cases) happen to be connected to the digestive system.  While you are working them through processing, healing and releasing uncomfortable experiences tied to trauma, guilt, shame and/or fear, these parts of you can sometimes respond this way. 

This will not be something everyone experiences, and not everyone will have the same experiences.  It will depend on your personality type, physiology type, your unique experiences, how severe the trauma, guilt, shame and/or fear is and what parts of your subconscious are being worked with. 

Some people will experience no gastrointestinal effects at all.  I have done my best to minimize these effects and prevent them entirely wherever that is possible, but some people may still experience things along these lines for a time while the relevant traumas are being healed, processed and cleared.

Again, if you experience diarrhea, please make sure you stay sufficiently hydrated. Consult a doctor or mental health professional if you have constipation, diarrhea or cramping lasting more than a five days.


This program does not have AutoConfig active.  Therefore, please follow the instructions given below.

Use this program for 10 minutes per day on, for 5 days on and take 3 days off.  A full run-through is months of use.

Q: How can it only be 10 minutes of play time per day, when Optimal Self Confidence was 20 minutes per day?

A: This program has a lot more scripting, and does a lot more under the hood.  It also includes the full Fear Removal Module.  10 minutes per day is what best balances all of the factors I consider when calculating the instructions.  A big part of that in this case is not pushing too much at once with the FRM, given how powerful 6G is.

Q: Can I play this longer than 10 minutes a day or loop it?

A: NO.  Do not do either of those things.  This program is blending incredible power with extremely delicate and sensitive work.  Just because I have made it easy and comfortable for your conscious awareness to run, doesn't mean it is easy for your subconscious to handle, weak, doing nothing or that you can ignore the instructions.


To get the intended results, please always play this program through the speakers of your cell phone, and always keep your cell phone within arm's reach while you play this program.

Played from your cell phone speakers within arm's reach, the best volume will be 2 (Two) out of 15 clicks on an Android cell phone when listened to through the phone speakers. The second best volume will be 6 (Six) out of 15 clicks. (Second best is significantly less effective, but included here because I know some of you will refuse to believe the best volume could be so low.  Welcome to 6G.)

For those who use an iPhone, within arm's reach and through the phone's speakers, this would be best volume is 3 (Three) out of 16 clicks, and second best is 7 (Seven) out of 16.

For a google phone with 24 or 30 clicks of volume, within arm's reach and through the phone's speakers, best volume is 4 out of 30, and second best is 12 out of 30.

For other types of phone, this equates to a volume when played through phone speakers that is as close as possible to 13% of full volume.  This only applies to cell phones and playing this program through the speakers of the cell phone!  It is strongly recommended that you play this program from a cell phone and use the phone's speaker to do so, and that you keep your cell phone within arm's reach while you play the program.

Q: How can the volume possibly be that low and still work?

A: Once again, we are dealing with incredible power in 6G and this is also including modules for dealing with guilt, shame and fear.  All of these are extremely sensitive topics to work with.  This volume targets the right levels of the subconscious, while being gentle enough to make progress without overload and shutdown.  And yes, your subconscious can in fact hear this volume.  Welcome to 6G.

Remember that the lower the volume of the subliminal, the deeper the level of subconscious is required to be able to detect it.  The deeper the level, the more sensitive it is; this is presenting something incredibly powerful trying to do something that is extremely sensitive work.  It makes perfect sense, once you realize this.  And yes... this result has been verified multiple times.

Do not play it at any higher volume than the second best option.


You should always use Ultrasonic format unless there is a very good reason why you can't.  If such reason exists, then switch to Masked format.  If Masked format is not producing results after at least a month of use, only then should you switch to Hybrid format.  Hybrid format is usually overkill for most people. 

Use the second best volume for Masked format, and the best volume for Ultrasonic and Hybrid.


To be eligible for a refund, you must use this program according to the instructions for at least one full run-through without getting results with either volume option.

SHA256Sum Hashes

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sha256sum *.txt

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