Optimal Self Confidence (6G - Free)

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This program is not designed or intended to be or act as any kind of medical diagnosis, treatment or cure for any disease or condition.  It is not first aid, nor is it designed or intended to replace proper medical or psychological attention, diagnosis, treatment and/or care from an appropriate and properly licensed medical or psychological professional. It is not designed or intended to replace any drug, be a treatment for cancer or be used to or relied upon to save lives.

End Disclaimer

About This Experience


This is a free, full version 6th Generation subliminal intended to demonstrate our subliminal scripting and technology to you without you having to pay anything to see what we offer.  It is designed to improve, develop and optimize your self confidence, but without making you so self confident that you make bad choices and decisions.  If you do not wish to read the full description, please read and follow the usage instructions at the end.

Full Description:

This experience is a full version 6th Generation subliminal which is made available for you to download, keep and use (personal use only), absolutely free of charge.  It is a full version demonstration of our subliminals and our 6th Generation technology. 

We provide you with this full version example of our 6th Generation subliminal programs free of charge because claims of being the best, or having the most powerful subliminals mean absolutely nothing when, unfortunately, this field is full of scammers who are all endlessly making exactly those same claims. 

So naturally, we want you to know for sure that we are the real deal.  We want you to see the subliminal and the technology that goes into building it prove themselves to you in real life.  We don't want you to have to spend money to find out if our subliminals work well for you.  We want you to know for sure, from first hand experience, that not only do our programs work, but that they are absolutely worth our asking price. 

Because it is intended to be a free demonstration program, this program has absolutely NO anti-piracy scripting. It is a full version 6th Generation subliminal.  Nothing is degraded, reduced, held back, crippled or removed.  If it was not being offered as a demonstration of our offerings and technology, this program would cost $650 per copy to purchase, or $74.97 per month to subscribe to. 

About 6G Transparency

6th Generation subliminals from Indigo Mind Labs are extremely transparent.  Instead of having the experience be about what the subliminal is doing, we want the program itself to get out of your way and just give you the results.  That is transparency.

If you're new to subliminals, or new to Indigo Mind Lab subliminals, you may be looking for some sign that the program is working while it plays.  Transparency means that you will probably not experience the subliminal working; only the results it gives. 

Not everyone will immediately experience results that are obvious to the conscious mind.  It may be minutes, hours, or even days before you see what is happening, depending on your particular personality type, belief system, age and past experiences.  Be patient if you don't experience anything right away.  It is, after all, designed to work at the speed that is best for you.

About Optimal Self Confidence

Optimal Self Confidence 6G (Free) replaces Absolute Self Confidence 5G (Free).  You may wonder, why did we change it from Absolute Self Confidence to Optimal Self Confidence?  Isn't Absolute Self Confidence better? As it turns out, no.

In 6G, we have the power and ability to now fully achieve literally absolute self confidence.  But it turns out that literal absolute self confidence isn't quite as good a thing as we had originally imagined.  It strongly tends to result in too much confidence, which the results in bad decisions and choices being made.  In other words, literally achieving absolute self confidence tends to cause problems.

Instead, Optimal Self Confidence will get you to you develop and build your self confidence in ways that are smooth, natural, effective, successful and don't take things too far. The resulting self confidence will be based in reality, not overblown ego.  And for as long as you continue to use this experience, you will be continually working on improving your self confidence, inwardly and outwardly. 

The goal is to quickly get you started working on and experiencing self confidence, work towards long term genuine self confidence, and progressively develop that confidence realistically and solidly over the time frame that works best for you.  We want it to become your normal, natural, permanent experience over time to be optimally self confident.  But we also want you to start seeing improvements quickly, and through the medium term.

Who Will Benefit From Using This?

Anyone who could use more self confidence, which, let's face it, is almost all of us.

  • Job applicants and interviewees.
  • Employees in competitive work environments.
  • People climbing the corporate ladder.
  • People in the public eye, who have to deal with lots of risks and naysayers.
  • Anyone who has family members, relatives and/or roommates who try to tear them down.
  • People in positions of responsibility, ranging from parents to teachers to leaders of all sorts and at all levels.
  • Anyone who has had an experience of failure or being attacked that has damaged their self confidence.
  • Anyone who has “frenemies”, enemies or jealous or “competitive friends”.
  • Anyone who deals with “-isms” on a regular basis: sexism, racism, ageism, etc.
  • Anyone who is a recipient of hate or hate speech.
  • Students of all levels of schooling.
  • Anyone interested in more dating and/or sexual success.
  • Anyone involved in competitive sports.
  • Anyone who has anxiety about something.
  • Introverts.
  • Those who have little or no experience in doing something they need to do. 
  • Those who need to face and overcome a challenge they're not sure they can overcome.
  • Anyone starting a business.
  • Actors who perform before an audience, and actors auditioning for parts.
  • Artists, musicians and other types of creatives who may not be as sure of themselves as they could be.
  • Anyone who's trying to get a promotion.
  • And others.

In other words… pretty much everyone should have and use this program! No matter what industry you are in or what walk of life you come from, this program will help to give you the advantage of solid self confidence and help keep you on the path to accomplishment, happiness and success. 

What You May Notice

    Different people will naturally have different experiences with this program.  Everyone starts from a different set of previous experiences, a different age, a set of beliefs and circumstances.  Everyone also starts from a different level of self confidence in different areas.  But the common theme will usually be that you are likely to quickly notice three things:

    First, you'll probably start feeling noticeably more self confidence, within hours or days of starting this program. Some people experience this within minutes, and even while listening to it for the first time.

    Second, many people notice that their dreams change.  It is common for people to start having dreams that deal with developing self confidence when they use this program.  This shows that your subconscious is on board with the goal, and is working to achieve it.

    Third, most people notice that the effects of this program - increased self confidence, and working towards developing more self confidence - make them feel noticeably better and sometimes happier, not only about themselves, but in general.

    The medium term effects - 2-4 weeks - will be that you'll start to get used to your new increased and increasing levels of self confidence, and you'll probably notice that you're now doing things differently than before, people are responding to you differently than before, and you're having new doors and opportunities open for you.  It may be easier to socialize and make friends and acquaintances, speak up for yourself and set boundaries as well.  Life will improve in general with more self confidence.

    In the longer term, months and longer, you'll find yourself working on developing your self confidence in many directions and many ways, making it solid and becoming a naturally more self confident person, who is more and more solidly self confident without the help of a subliminal experience.

    Of course what you experience in the medium and long term depends on if you use this experience according to the directions, how long you use it and how quickly you are ready to go to develop self confidence.


    Q: Can this program be used by children?

    A: It can be used by children as young as 13 years old, but requires close adult supervision to help and guide the child work their way through the process of developing self confidence.  Please DO NOT allow any child under 13 years of age to be exposed to this program.  They will not be fully ready or able to handle all of what this program is trying to do.

    Q: Can I use this subliminal with other subliminals, or other mind programming at the same time?

    A: If you are trying subliminals, or Indigo Mind Labs subliminals for the first time with this program, please use it by itself.

    Otherwise, the only thing you can safely use this subliminal with is a single 6th Generation shield program from Indigo Mind Labs, such as the 6th Generation Directional Reflection Shield.  Do not attempt to use it with anything else.  There is significant risk of derailing the program or causing unintended and unpredictable side effects if the scripting methods, goals or approaches conflict.

    Q: Which format should I use?

    A: Always use Ultrasonic format unless for some reason you cannot, or it does not produce the desired results.  Reasons for cannot might include a significant deafness to sounds in the 15 kHz to 20 kHz range, for example.  If after a run-through without noticeable results, you may want to try some other format.  In that case, always move to Masked format next, and do another run-through.  Only if that does not work, should you try Hybrid format.

    Q: Can I expose others to this program?

    A: If you have their conscious, willing consent to do so, sure.  But please remember that this program is only for personal use. 

    Q: Can this program help with anxiety?

    A: In some cases, yes.  However, it is not specifically designed to deal with anxiety.  Some forms of anxiety, and some causes of anxiety, will not be helped.

    Q: Can I use this program to overcome fear?

    A: In some cases, it is a possibility.  However, it is not designed specifically to do that.  The only cases where it can help with fear is where the fear prevents you from having self confidence.

    Q: 6th Generation technology allows the use of a single shield program.  Can I use a 5.x Generation shield with it?

    A: No.  The 6th Generation Skeleton Script is specifically designed to allow the use of a single 6th Generation shield with a single 6th Generation title.  Even then, it is expensive to do so in terms of energy.  There is no reciprocal programming in a 5.x gen subliminal shield, so the two will compete for resources and tend to disrupt each other.

    Q: What is the length of this program?

    A: The audio track is 20 minutes long.

    Q: Does this program conflict with any drugs or medications?

    A: It is not a good idea to use mind programming with any non-prescription drug that is hallucinogenic or otherwise mind altering.  The results are unpredictable.  This program does not conflict with any prescription drug.


    Use this program for 20 minutes per day on, every day that you wish to continue developing and improving your self confidence.  A full run-through is 2 months.  You can use this program for multiple run-throughs if you wish.

    Only play this program on your cell phone, through the cell phone speakers.  That is the only way we have to ensure that you are using the correct volume.  Extremely powerful subliminals require extremely specific volumes to achieve the best results.  Using the exact volume instructed will produce vastly better results than otherwise.

    On an Android phone: Play this program through the phone speakers at a volume of 9 out of 15 clicks of volume.

    On an iPhone: Play this program through the phone speakers at a volume of 10 out of 16 clicks of volume.

    On any other phone: Play this program through the phone speakers at 60% of maximum volume.

    This program is not designed or intended for use by anyone under the age of 13 (thirteen) years of age. Exposing anyone under the legal age of majority (adulthood) is done at your own risk, and must be done with careful adult supervision. You accept any and all responsibility for whatever happens as a result.  DO NOT EXPOSE ANYONE UNDER THE AGE OF 13 TO THIS PROGRAM!  They are not developed enough to be able to handle the effects it has.  This is not a suggestion.  Take this age limitation seriously.

    This program does not have AutoConfig active.  Therefore, please follow the instructions.


    Always use Ultrasonic format unless for some reason you genuinely cannot.  In that case, always use Masked format instead, unless you have deafness or Masked format does not produce results after 1 month.  Only then should you consider using Hybrid format.  In almost all cases, Hybrid will be overkill.

    Refund Policy: 

    If you use this program for 2 months according to the instructions and don't get results, we will refund you 100% of your purchase price.

    SHA256 Sum Hashes:

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    32cc13ab3641df6308824326ee15134ede89f110ebd23246e4b5b7e94fec3168  Optimal_Self_Confidence_6G_Hybrid_Subliminal_20_Minutes_(Trickling_Stream_Silent).flac

    591468824ec6e6a4a9ba3db0bc8a974817ad0affbfaae319bb19ed2413498387  Optimal_Self_Confidence_6G_Masked_Subliminal_20_Minutes_(Ocean_Surf).flac

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    f9609bd186ee215d930f66af20047ae61eb4f499f58227ab874e1865d9e495ce  Optimal_Self_Confidence_6G_Ultrasonic_Subliminal_20_Minutes_(Silent).flac

    sha256sum *.txt

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