This program is not designed or intended to be or act as any kind of medical diagnosis, treatment or cure for any disease or condition. It is not first aid, nor is it designed or intended to replace proper medical or psychological attention, diagnosis, treatment and/or care from an appropriate and properly licensed medical or psychological professional. It is not designed or intended to replace any drug, be a treatment for cancer or be used to or relied upon to save lives.
End Disclaimer
About This Experience
Manifest Your Ideal Sexual Lover (MYISL) is designed to do what it says on the tin. When you use a manifestor subliminal properly, you simply listen to it according to the instructions and otherwise forget about it. Eventually, the goal will show up in your life without you having to do anything at all at a conscious level. This is a Passive Manifestor, meaning that everything is done below the conscious level of awareness, with no conscious effort or input.
What Is An "Ideal Sexual Lover"?
In spite of the title of this experience being as direct and self explanatory as I can make it, there's been a lot of confusion as to what an "Ideal Sexual Lover" is. So I'll give some guidance here.
Your ideal sexual lover is that person who best matches, compliments and completes your personal sexual needs and desires. This person will be exceptionally sexually attractive to you, and they will be exceptionally sexually attracted to you. It will not require effort to get this attraction to happen; it will be a natural consequence of the energy between you and your compatible sexual needs and desires.
However, this does NOT mean you will instantly know them when you first encounter them! Manifestation can happen in some truly amazing, strange, unexpected and even bizarre ways. You may use this manifestation program and have the responder turn out to be someone you worked with a while ago, or someone you knew from school. Likewise, they may be someone you've never met before, whom you meet initially in person or otherwise as a result of using this experience.
In rare cases, you may have an instant reaction to them, and possibly even vice versa, but much more commonly you meet and don't realize who you've met or that they're the responder for some amount of time. The way manifestation works isn't always immediately apparent to the limited scope of awareness that the conscious mind holds.
Here are some examples from my own past active and passive manifestations.
In one case, I was trying to actively manifest a naturally redheaded lover, who had blue eyes and freckles with naturally extremely red hair, who lived within 20 minutes drive of my home. Two weeks later, I walked into a math class in college and there she was, front and center, literally the spitting image of what I'd been looking for! It turned out that I had not only met her in 8th grade, but we had briefly flirted with dating at that time. We ended up having a date that same night, which ended with her initiating sex. That relationship lasted for 3 years until we grew apart.
In another case, I was trying to passively manifest my perfect lover. I realized who she was when she called me up one night several months after I had started doing the manifestation, several months after we had met where we worked at the time. The manifestation brought her into my life almost immediately, but it took almost four and a half months for the "threads of fate" to be fully arranged properly for us to meet and start a sexual relationship.
Finally, I once attempted to passively manifest my perfect naturally platinum blonde lover into my life, and I used that subliminal for more than 6 months. To my utter surprise, nothing happened, so I stopped using it. I guessed that something went wrong, but I didn't know what, so I moved on with my life. Then almost exactly a year after I started using that subliminal, and after having completely forgotten about it, I decided to accept a friend's invitation to attend a drum circle and see what it was about. There, I met a natural platinum blonde woman. She and I quickly became what I thought was just kayaking buddies.
After a few weeks of hanging out and kayaking and doing various fun outdoor activities together, she asked me... "Why haven't you kissed me yet?" Suddenly I realized who and what she was!
It turned out that for us to meet, she had to sell her house (which tool several months), move several states away to Florida, find a new house in my area, get a job and get settled in first. That's why the manifestation took so long!
The less specific you get with passive manifestation - for example, asking for your "ideal sexual lover" instead of you "ideal naturally redheaded sexual lover who has long wavy red hair, freckles, blue eyes and full lips" will usually achieve it's goal much faster because there are much fewer variables in the way. Part of the reason for this is that the fewer the specifics you require, the more likely someone in your area will fit the bill.
What Happens When They Show Up?
The answer to that is impossible to give because there are simply too many possibilities. Partly, this is so because there are an infinite number of ways that the manifestation can show up in your life, and partly it is so because once the person shows up there are an infinite number of ways you can interact and respond to one another.
While it is very common for this manifestation to result in meeting someone and quite naturally ending up in a sex-inclusive relationship with them, there are also infinite forms and variations of such a relationship. It could be friends with benefits, it could be getting together purely to have sex, or it could have some degree of romance involved. It all depends on your subconscious definition of the word "lover". But in all cases, it will be a sex inclusive relationship - as long as you allow it to include sex.
In my experience, the results when I do a manifestation like this will end up with sex happening even if I have no idea who the responder is or wasn't even thinking sex when I met them. Eventually, it will end up having sex result, some way, some how. But the "what happens when they show up" part is infinitely variable. Whatever results, you don't have to worry about whether or not it will result in sex. Do the manifestation right and you will get sex as a result. What you do need to do is allow sex to happen when it is an option, and care for and maintain the relationship once you have it.
What Should I Watch For?
People who are new to and unfamiliar with manifestation often ask me, "What should I watch out for to know when I have achieved the goal of the manifestation?" The idea seems to be that they think that they'll somehow miss it if they're not on the lookout for it.
Here's the deal: watching for the results will actually prevent them from happening. It causes you to involve your conscious mind in such a way that it will blindly override the subtle efforts that your subconscious mind must make to cause the manifestation to succeed. In other words, it cannot see what the subconscious is doing, or trying to do, so it's very much like a blind bull in a China shop when you get it involved in a manifestation, unless you are doing an Active Manifestation and you understand all of the how and why to make that work.
This is a Passive Manifestation, designed to be easily successful for those who either don't know how to do an Active Manifestation, or who don't want to put in the time and effort to do an Active Manifestation. But a Passive Manifestation must be passive to succeed: you cannot involve your conscious mind in the process. So to achieve success, set it and forget it.
Therefore... DO NOT attempt to watch for signs that it's working, or watch so you don't somehow miss the result. You can take it from me, an accomplished active and passive manifestor who has manifested successfully more times than I can remember: when the manifestation is done correctly, you WILL get the result. It MUST result - unless you or someone else interrupts or disrupts it while it is in the process of manifesting. If you or someone else interrupts or disrupts it, it will fail.
This is why we set it and forget it when we are doing Passive Manifestation.
This is why we don't watch for signs that it's working.
This is why we don't worry about somehow missing the result.
This is why we don't set expectations as to what they will look like.
This is why we don't have expectations as to how or when they will show up.
And this is why we always follow the Golden Rule of Manifestation whenever we are attempting to manifest something.
So What Is The Golden Rule Of Manifestation?
The Golden Rule, when it comes to manifestation, is simply this: silence. You absolutely NEVER tell absolutely ANYBODY that you are working a manifestation, or what you are trying to manifest. I don't care who they are or how much you think you know or trust them!
Because unfinished manifestations are extremely delicate, and if you tell someone that you're trying to manifest something, the success or failure of your manifestation then depends on their conscious AND SUBCONSCIOUS response to you telling them - and everyone else they tell!
If they think nothing of it at any level and get on with life, then they will not disrupt it. But if at ANY level, ANY of them have ANY negative response to you trying to manifest something - even if they themselves have no idea consciously that they're having that response - their negative response will disrupt and or interrupt the unfinished manifestation, and it will silently fail without you having any idea until you've wasted months trying in vain.
This is even more true if you tell them what you're trying to manifest. All they need to do is have even one part of themselves, conscious or subconscious, for ANY REASON perceive your efforts or your goal as some sort of threat - and believe me, the "reasons" why that might happen are both numerous and sometimes quite ridiculous and unexpected - the manifestation will be disrupted to destroy that perceived threat. No matter how ridiculous or preposterous the perception of it as a "threat" may be.
So the Golden Rule of Manifestation is this: Always remain silent before, during and after your manifestation. Don't try to brag about it after the fact, because even though you can tell someone about it without them being able to prevent it's manifestation anymore, they can - and often will - then act against you to disrupt and prevent your future efforts to manifest things.
This is why Silence is Golden. You will either remain silent and succeed, or you will not, and silently fail.
Does Manifestation Always Work?
Being realistic, if you're not already well versed in how to make a manifestation work without the help of a subliminal, not every manifestation will succeed. There are a lot of reasons why that is, some of which you've read about above.
In fact even when you know all the rules and requirements to manifestation, and you do everything correctly, whether you're manifesting actively or passively, there are still (very rare) circumstances in which an effort to manifest something will fail. However, to make the point of how rare that actually is, I have been regularly using both active and massive manifestation for more than 3 decades now, and I have never seen any of my manifestations fail when I did everything correctly.
But the fact is, nothing is absolute. This program's script does everything possible to prevent and avoid the reasons why people commonly have their passive manifestations fail. But it is not a guarantee that you cannot or will not override that scripting if there is enough subconscious fear of the goal, the process and/or the aftermath of achieving the goal.
For this reason, manifestor subliminals will no longer be eligible for a refund as of the 5.11G and later versions of this type of experience. No matter what I do to make the subliminal script perfect, and even if you do everything right, there will always be variables and factors outside of my control that can still potentially prevent the manifestation from working. And while failure should be a very rare result with 5.11G and later manifestor subliminals, it is still not fair to me to have to give refunds for something that is entirely out of my control to prevent, or my responsibility for resulting.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q: How long will it take for me to start seeing results from this program?
A: This is the last question you should be asking. Looking for when you'll see results is involving your conscious mind too much. If you use this program according to the instructions, and you don't somehow sabotage the results it will happen. Otherwise it won't. When is determined by how much freedom your subconscious has to do what it's being tasked with, and then more importantly, how long it takes to weave the proverbial "threads of fate" into the tapestry that achieves the goal. Even if you didn't have to leave it alone, there's no way to answer this question, because it will be different for everyone, based on factors I cannot know.
I have seen passive manifestations take as little as a few days and as long as a year to show up. In the majority of cases, you'll see the result show up in between 1 to 6 months, presuming you haven't disrupted it somehow.
Q: How will I know it's working?
A: If you use it right, and you don't get in your own way or sabotage, you'll know it's working because the manifestation goal will be achieved. Until that point, you will not see anything that might suggest anything is happening. And once again... the very act of looking for proof that it's working, or evidence, or signs, is going to sabotage and kill your manifestation. Set it and forget it.
Q: Does this title have an auric shield?
A: Yes, it uses the Grounding Shield, which sends negative energy and intent into the ground to be recycled into different energy.
Q: Can I expose this program to others while I am using it?
A: Do not do that. Use it for yourself alone, and only expose yourself to it. You cannot share it with others without either violating the Golden Rule of Manifestation (silence) or violating someone else's free will to choose if they want to be exposed.
Q: How do I maximize my chances of success with this program?
A: First, use it as instructed. Second, as much as possible, set it and forget it. Third, remember that SILENCE IS GOLDEN! DO NOT tell ANYONE that you're using this program, or what you are trying to manifest, or even that you're trying to manifest anything at all.
Why? Because it is a common point of failure for manifestations that if someone discovers that you are trying to manifest something, or what you are working to manifest, that they will - consciously, subconsciously or both - respond in a way that externally has the effect of sabotaging your manifestation.
Sometimes they do this because they are spiteful, sometimes they're jealous, and sometimes they are afraid of what would happen if you succeed for some reason. Sometimes, they respond this way because they "don't believe in" manifestation, and if you succeed, it might force them to change their beliefs.
Whatever the case is, don't ever give anyone the opportunity to sabotage your manifestation efforts for you. Just keep your efforts at manifestation to yourself, and don't let anyone know that you're trying to manifest something, or what you're trying to manifest.
Q: Can I use this program to prove manifestation works, for myself or someone else?
A: Unfortunately, manifestation is a very fragile thing that only works when it is allowed to work without any interference. Fear, fascination, too much conscious attention, too much skepticism and a lot of other things can potentially interfere and prevent it. If you need proof that it works before you're willing to accept it, you should first study and try Active Manifestation. That is done with conscious effort and intent. Passive Manifestation is very unlikely to work if you haven't got a genuinely open mind, or already have confidence that manifestation is valid.
Q: What will the sex be like when I manifest my Ideal Sexual Lover?
A: If you choose to allow a sex inclusive relationship with that person, then the sex between you should be an exceptionally good mutual match to what you both want and need at that time sexually. It should therefore be exceptionally good sex, according to your definition of "exceptionally good sex".
Q: How long will my relationship with my ideal sexual lover last?
A: That depends on what your subconscious definition of "lover" is and how much you want it to last. If your idea of a lover is just someone to have sex with, then chances are the relationship will be less prone to last for the long term than if you subconsciously associate romance with the definition of the word "lover". Also, the more effort you put in to making it last, the longer it will last.
Q: Does this program have a gender or age limiter?
A: It is designed to only work for people who are legally adults.
Q: Will this program work for people who are (insert your sexual preference here)?
A: It's not my place to decide what is and is not a valid preference for you sexually. This program will work for any adult who uses it properly (unless it is pirated, in which case the Anti-Piracy Script is very likely to disrupt the manifestation). You can attract your ideal lover regardless of what that means for you.
Q: Can I use other subliminals at the same time I am using this one?
A: That is a HARD NO. It will compete with (and probably be derailed by) anything else you're using. Use this program by itself.
Q: Can I do any other manifestations while I am using this?
A: That is a HARD NO. Use this, or manifest some other way, but never attempt multiple simultaneous manifestations, and never mix active and passive manifestations.
Q: How long is one loop of this program?
A: This program is 60 minutes of audio per loop.
It is important that you always use this experience from a cell phone through the cell phone speakers if it is at all possible to do so, and keep the cell phone within arm's reach while using this program; this is necessary for achieving specific accurate control of the volume.
Exposure Time
Use this experience for 3 loops per day on, for 6 days on and 5 days off per usage cycle.
One full run-through is as close as possible to 2 months of these usage cycles. Between 1 and 3 run-throughs will be necessary to achieve the program goal.
If you experience urges to use this program in a different way, especially if the urge is a craving, follow the urges, as this will be the AutoConfig scripting getting your subconscious to optimize the usage patterns for you. However, if you experience the desire to use this program for less time than instructed, be careful, as this may be a subconscious effort to escape from the program.
To achieve the best results from this program, use the ultrasonic format on a cell phone through the cell phone speakers, keep it within arm's reach while you listen, and use it at the best volume.
The best volume will be as follows:
For users of Android phones with 15 total possible clicks of volume, play it at a volume of 10 out of 15 clicks.
For iPhone users, who have a total of 16 possible clicks of volume to work with, use it at a volume of 11 out of 16 clicks.
For Google phone users who have a total of 30 possible clicks of volume to work with, use it at a volume of 20 out of 30 clicks.
For those who have any other kind of phone, or a phone with any other number of clicks of volume, play it as close to 66% of maximum volume as you can get it.
Refund Policy
This program does not qualify for a refund under any circumstances.
SHA256 Sums
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766e8342e0b594cc20be9c88940cca521154b719d4a959c8cc6784d5148bf4e6 Manifest_Your_Ideal_Sexual_Lover_5p11G_40_HDA_Hybrid_Subliminal_(Trickling_Stream_Silent).flac
6e47b214331adbfac3d01d0f5084adf2e3376f365ce7e96c0e2318dbbe17df28 Manifest_Your_Ideal_Sexual_Lover_5p11G_40_HDA_Masked_Subliminal_(Ocean_Surf).flac
6fb157ec851dd3fda3f86b090a5eacf88c4065f4b76a58c93d320715cd932d1d Manifest_Your_Ideal_Sexual_Lover_5p11G_40_HDA_Masked_Subliminal_(Trickling_Stream).flac
674ccdad74a19c9da49cccb8ff379cf9aa9468b75fdc29b1c4316cd668ec364c Manifest_Your_Ideal_Sexual_Lover_5p11G_HDA_Ultrasonic_Subliminal_(Silent).flac
[shannon@LW520PCL compressed]$