This program is not designed or intended to be or act as any kind of medical diagnosis, treatment or cure for any disease or condition. It is not first aid, nor is it designed or intended to replace proper medical or psychological attention, diagnosis, treatment and/or care from an appropriate and properly licensed medical or psychological professional. It is not designed or intended to replace any drug, be a treatment for cancer or be used to or relied upon to save lives.
End Disclaimer
About This Experience
This experience is designed to instruct your subconscious on how to generate a Black Hole Shield around you. When you use this subliminal properly, you simply listen to it according to the instructions and when you execute those instructions, a powerful Black Hole Shield will result and should be at full power in minutes.
While you are actually physically listening to the program through your ears, this Black Hole Shield will be active, and when you turn it off, or for any other reason cannot hear it with your physical ears, the shield will quickly fade out. This is by design, both as a safety and as a way of preventing the shield from interfering with other subliminals or shields. I do give instructions for how to listen with earphones and earbuds in order to make it usable in public without exposing others.
Most people can feel that it is active because of the fact that it changes your energy interactions with others to a significant degree. This feels very different on a subtle emotional level if you are observant enough and have enough emotional focus to your personality. To me, it feels like chilled, still air surrounding me, even when I am in motion. Your experience of how it feels will likely be unique to you.
If you've never successfully erected a shield manually or used a shielding subliminal program, or your only experience of a shield is one that is but a whisper of energy, this experience will probably be an eye opener for you.
And if you have never experienced a Black Hole Shield, or never experienced one from the inside, it is likely to be an eye opening experience for you as well.
What Is A "Black Hole Shield"?
The Black Hole Shield is an advanced personal energy shield which protects you by making you un-detectable and un-discoverable to non-physical senses, entities or awarenesses. It also makes it nearly impossible for any kind of energy to get through the shield in either direction - in or out.
It does this through a combination of forming an impenetrable personal energy shield around you, using that shield to hide you and completely severing any and all energy connections to and from you to anyone or anything else.
The end result is that once you have generated and powered up this Black Hole Shield, you appear to nearly* all forms of non-physical observation to simply disappear. Efforts to find you by energy probes will abjectly fail. Nobody and nothing* will be able to detect you, find you, locate you, observe you, scry on you, spy on you or otherwise know where you are from a non-physical perspective.
* There are beings which are simply too advanced and/or powerful for you to be able to hide from them using a Black Hole Shield. These include such things as Archangels and those angelic beings of higher order than Archangels.
The obvious exception to this is that a Black Hole Shield only prevents detection, location and interaction by non-physical senses. It will not cause photons to stop bouncing off you, so you can still be seen by physical eyes. It does not cause you to stop being physical, so you can be detected by physical touch. It does not stop you from making sounds, so you can still be detected by physical ears, and so on.
What Does It Protect Against?
The Black Hole Shield that this program generates is effective as a defense against all of the following:
- Detection by nearly anyone or anything in a non-physical manner.
- Location by nearly anyone or anything in a non-physical manner.
- Scrying you, via crystal ball, magick mirror or any other form of scrying.
- Psychic remote viewing.
- Detection, location and observation via astral projection.
- Magickal attack, including the use of curses and via thought forms, servitors, directed energy and various types of created or summoned beings, even if you are being directly observed via physical eyes in the process.
- Psychic attacks, including those intended to manipulate your emotions, thoughts and/or decisions, even if you are being directly observed via physical eyes in the process.
- All forms of vampiric energy drain and feeding attacks by people or entities, even if you are being directly observed via physical eyes in the process.
- Reading your mind, even if you are being directly observed via physical eyes in the process.
- Telepathic projection of thoughts into or out of your mind, even if you are being directly observed via physical eyes in the process.
- It should render you undetectable to ghosts, spirits or poltergeists, and it will prevent any such beings from touching you or affecting you in any non-physical manner.
- And more.
Is It Good For Anything Else?
The Black Hole Shield was originally designed to give the user a way of avoiding (or minimize) detection while some action is taken, or to escape while an attack takes place that you cannot do anything else about under the circumstances in which you find yourself.
However, it has also shown itself to be very useful for other situations as well. For example:
- Creating a space of pure, still, peaceful personal energy for the user in which to deeply meditate.
- Creating a space of pure, still, peaceful personal energy in which to deeply contemplate profound things and important decisions.
- Creating a space of pure, still, peaceful personal energy which allows the user to rest and recuperate energy-wise. Especially helpful for introverts after they are forced to socialize for too long.
- Avoiding being noticed in public as much as possible. While it does not prevent being detected through any of the physical senses, it does prevent being detected by your thoughts, emotions or energy signature, and thus those who are not paying attention with their physical senses will not notice you as a result.
- Theoretically, this shield may be helpful in dealing with certain anxiety triggers.
How Do I Know It's Working?
Humans are always connected to each other and their environment through subtle means mentally and emotionally, which very few are aware of. When you properly generate a Black Hole Shield, you will experience the complete severing of any and all energy connections in and out of the shielded space.
If you are not familiar with this experience, it is like being placed in a sensory deprivation chamber, but for your non-physical senses only. Those who are sensitive will feel a definite change and it may feel quite alien at first.
Those who are less sensitive will feel "something is different", but not be able to "put their finger on it".
Those who do not have good emotional connection or much emotional expression in their personality may not sense anything different at all. (It is sometimes also possible for this type of person to resist the instruction set of this subliminal experience. If that happens, it is invariably because they fear that if they don't, it will disprove their entire world view. This is usually going to be the "hardcore scientific types" and especially those who are antagonistic skeptics.)
The experience of what it is like inside an active Black Hole Shield depends on a few variables. You are, quite literally, all alone with yourself from an energy perspective (even if you're physically in a crowd). If you are calm, the experience will be one of calm, stillness and peace. If you are upset, you will only experience your own upset, since you're literally the only source of energy inside the shield.
If you have an active Black Hole Shield, it will strongly tend to confuse those who are used to connecting to and being connected to you and interacting with you through energy ties. If they are not within range to sense you with any of their physical senses, they will experience you "simply disappearing".
This has, on more than one occasion, resulted in panicked phone calls or visits from mothers, siblings, spouses and anyone else with whom you may have an ongoing emotional bond. It will tend to confuse bonded pets as well.
For those who are used to manipulating you remotely via energy links, or feeding from you as a source of energy, this will be a slightly different experience. The will also experience you suddenly disappearing and the resulting confusion, but there seems to be a tendency for them to also experience a moment of discomfort to some degree as the connection is being severed.
If you are using a Black Hole Shield and while it is active you suddenly feel as if some sort of weight has been lifted, you were under attack. If you suddenly have more energy while the shield is active, you were being drained. If while spending most of your time alone, you turn it on and suddenly feel like "everyone has suddenly disappeared", that can indicate that you were possibly in the presence of one or more non-physical entities.
What Is This Shield Not Useful For?
A Black Hole Shield is designed to do two things, and do them well:
- It is designed to completely hide you from non-physical detection, location and observation.
- It is designed to protect you from and isolate you from any and all forms of energy interactions and connections, be they attacks or otherwise.
It is therefore NOT useful for reflecting back to the sender whatever they sent to you, like the Directional Reflection Shield.
It is NOT useful for any form of attack or retributive strike.
It is NOT useful for long term usage, because being isolated for long periods of time is not good for humans. (This is a big part of why it is ONLY active while you are actually listening to it.)
It is NOT useful for absorbing energy, like an Absorption Shield.
It is NOT useful for transmuting energy, like a Transmutational Shield.
It is NOT useful for grounding energy, like a Grounding Shield.
It is NOT useful for protecting you from physical attacks, physical weapons or verbal attacks.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q: How long will it take for me to start seeing results from this program?
A: The results you get will depend on a variety of factors. How long you take to see noticeable results will naturally vary from person to person, and from situation to situation. With regards to the difference in energy between you and the world around you, in most cases, you will start seeing the results within minutes.
Q: How long does this shield remain active after I stop listening to the audio?
A: The shield will typically fade out in a couple of minutes or less.
Q: Can I expose this program to others while I am using it?
A: You can, but it is strongly advised against. It will affect everyone who hears it (of course), and in some cases, this can have a very negative effect on the interactions between those people, especially if they don't know what's happening. Only expose this experience to multiple people at a time if they are aware of the title, understand what it does and consent to being exposed - AND it is genuinely necessary.
Q: How is this shield powered?
A: The Black Hole Shield subliminal uses multiple sources of energy. It can use your personal energy (to a small extent, not enough to exhaust or debilitate you), but predominantly uses external energy sources that are suitable for powering it safely. Specifically what those sources are is determined by your subconscious mind.
It is designed to remain powered and effective without making you tired or exhausting you.
Q: What if my Black Hole Shield is damaged or degraded?
A: In the very unlikely event that you are located and the shield is damaged or degraded somehow, it will automatically regenerate itself as quickly and aggressively as necessary to continue doing it's job. This will require more energy, and quickly, so it will likely draw from your personal energy during such a situation, as well as external sources. Especially if an attack is in progress.
Q: Can I have other shields active at the same time I am using this one?
A: A Black Hole Shield is typically used by itself.
Due to it's rather extreme nature in stopping any and all energy from passing, it will interfere with, damage or even prevent other shields formed outside itself, and should negate any need for shields formed inside itself.
I strongly advise you to use this shield, or use something else. Don't try to use the Black Hole Shield with any other shield.
Q: Does this shield conflict with any subliminal program effects?
A: Aside from the fact that it is a 5.11G subliminal, and therefore designed and intended to be used all by itself?
Yes, there are some subliminals that this shield will damage or negate for reasons other than simply dominating all of their resources for it's own use, as all 5G and later subliminals are designed to do.
Because it will hard stop any energy from entering or exiting the shielded area, you will not be able to use it with programs like any Aura Generator, X4A or DMSI, which rely on interacting with others through energy connections.
There are other programs that BHS will disrupt as well. These include programs that use energy flooding. Such titles include Maximum Immune Response, Optimal Physical Healing and others.
Q: Will this shield protect me from the effects of programs like X4A or DMSI?
A: Yes. While this shield is active, you cannot be detected or located through non-physical means, and no energy or entity can pass through the shield to affect you. This shield will completely negate any influence from any aura generator, or any program that relies on energy interactions between people to work.
Q: Why did you design it to stop working when I stop listening?
A: The nature of this shield and what it does while it is operational are useful in short term scenarios, but become unhealthy for humans in longer term scenarios. Humans are by nature social creatures, and they require social interaction even if sometimes only at subtle subconscious or energetic levels. If this program were to be possible to use for long term, it would be unhealthy for the user as a result. Therefore, it will turn off the shield immediately when you are no longer actually listening to it playing.
Q: Does this shield make me invisible?
A: You will not become invisible to the wavelengths of light that can reflect off your physical body, or to any physical sensor that can detect any of those wavelengths.
However, you will become "energy invisible" to the vast majority of entitles and beings who would consider you worth noticing.
It can help you minimize how much you are noticed by others, but you will not become physically invisible. For example, when you look at someone else who is facing away from you, they should be very unlikely to look back, because you cannot reach out and touch them with your energy, which is what they notice that causes them to look at you in return.
Q: What happens to this shield if it is active, but someone else is physically within my natural personal energy space?
A: The shield will change shape how, where and as necessary to continue doing it's job, keeping you energy separated from other people, and keeping them and their energy outside of itself. Even if you are physically touching.
Q: Does this program have a gender or age limiter?
A: It is designed to only work for people who are legally adults. You should NEVER expose anyone under the legal age of adulthood to this subliminal audio.
Q: Can I use other subliminals at the same time I am using this one?
A: That is a HARD NO. It will compete with (and probably be derailed by) anything else you're using. Use this program by itself.
Q: How long is one loop of this program?
A: This program is 60 minutes of audio per loop.
It is important that you always use this experience from a cell phone through the cell phone speakers if it is at all possible to do so, and keep the cell phone within arm's reach while using this program; this is necessary for achieving specific accurate control of the volume.
Exposure Time
Listen to this experience during the period of time you want to be protected by the Black Hole Shield. However, it is unsafe to use this more than 4 days at a time. NEVER use this program for more than four consecutive days (96 consecutive hours) at a time! And always give yourself time to regenerate desired energy bonds and recover from energy isolation before returning to use.
This program is a rare type which must be actively listened to for it to function. As such, in order to use it, you may be forced to use it in public around others, and in order to avoid exposing them, you may be forced to use earbuds or headphones. I will provide instructions for using this program through phone speakers as well as headphones and earbuds.
To make sure the volume is correct, ALWAYS play this program through your cell phone, regardless of if you use speaker, earphones or earbuds. NEVER use the Ultrasonic format on headphones or earbuds, as you can too easily over-volume (and possibly cause hearing issues, headaches and or nausea) or under-volume (and get too little or no effect) and may not know if the program turns off before you intended for it to. NEVER listen to this experience through headphones or earbuds that have independent volume control.
To achieve the best results from this program while you are not around others, use the ultrasonic format on a cell phone through the cell phone speakers, keep it within arm's reach while you listen, and use it at the best volume.
The best volume through speaker on a cell phone will be as follows:
For users of Android phones with 15 total possible clicks of volume, play it at a volume of 10 out of 15 clicks.
For iPhone users, who have a total of 16 possible clicks of volume to work with, use it at a volume of 11 out of 16 clicks.
For Google phone users who have a total of 30 possible clicks of volume to work with, use it at a volume of 20 out of 30 clicks.
For those who have any other kind of phone, or a phone with any other number of clicks of volume, play it as close to 66% of maximum volume as you can get it.
Through Headphones/Earbuds:
To achieve the best results from this program while you are around others, use the Masked or Hybrid format on a cell phone through earbuds or headphones and use it at the best volume. (If you can handle it, this will be the only time I recommend Hybrid before you try Masked format.)
Make sure that you DO NOT use it with headphones or earbuds that have volume controls on the headphones or earbuds, as that will introduce an additional layer of volume control and remove any certainty that you are using the program at the correct volume. You must maintain a single source of volume control at all times to know for sure that you have the right volume.
The best volume through earbuds or headphones on a cell phone will be as follows:
For users of Android phones with 15 total possible clicks of volume, play it at a volume of 11 out of 15 clicks.
For iPhone users, who have a total of 16 possible clicks of volume to work with, use it at a volume of 12 out of 16 clicks.
For Google phone users who have a total of 30 possible clicks of volume to work with, use it at a volume of 22 out of 30 clicks.
For those who have any other kind of phone, or a phone with any other number of clicks of volume, play it as close to 73% of maximum volume as you can get it.
Refund Policy
If you do not get any noticeable results within 3 months of purchasing it, after having used it according to the instructions during that time, you are eligible for a refund.
SHA256 Sums
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5e090b77cc3d250575ab6d06aea121657cf6d1ab0e677d189b1584be13a4c293 Black_Hole_Shield_5p11G_40_Hybrid_Subliminal_(Trickling_Stream_Silent).flac
84539510ccb8b1f54e713b528159993a90dacf88810f72abf189811591d74ae9 Black_Hole_Shield_5p11G_40_Masked_Subliminal_(Ocean_Surf).flac
1177221eff57d8dfd5b8e5c95083a11708c1532fa19681b8042ad8f6013731a7 Black_Hole_Shield_5p11G_40_Masked_Subliminal_(Trickling_Stream).flac
951b967af8decb0c362b3fd74e8b24251af76ab8a44707b9c975b34bb07c0bc3 Black_Hole_Shield_5p11G_Ultrasonic_Subliminal_(Silent).flac
[shannon@LW520PCL compressed]$