X4A-1600 6G

Disclaimer: This program is for adults onlyDo not allow minors to use it or be exposed to it while it is playing.  By using this program, you accept all responsibility for your use of it and all of your choices, actions, results and consequences of having used this program.

About This Experience

X4A-1600 is designed for use by men only.  Do not EVER expose any female to this audio!

Have you ever encountered someone who just instantly grabbed your attention, and somehow made you deeply want them in raw, primal, sexual ways that you just couldn't ignore?

If you have, I bet you've wished you could have that same effect on those you want sexually. If not, then you're about to find out, because that is exactly how X4A-1600 affects the people you are most attracted to sexually.

If you want to induce responses like that in the people you are most sexually attracted to, then this is what you need. This program turns your natural personal energy field into an exceptionally powerful natural aphrodisiac. Your very presence will turn them on and cause them to want to have sex - with you!

X4A-1600 starts by causing the user to project a powerful field of energy that naturally works as a fast-acting aphrodisiac.  Then it makes a variety of tweaks and optimizations to that aura, to make it have the best and fastest possible results.  This causes the people you want to have sex with within your line of sight, who are of at least the legal age of sexual consent, to automatically experience this aphrodisiac effect.  They will know it is your effect on them, and it will continue to grow in impact for as long as they are within your line of sight.  You don't even have to see them all the time you are there. 

With enough exposure to this aphrodisiac energy field, they will have to do something about their arousal.  It may happen in just one exposure or it may take more than one, but sooner or later, they will have to do something about it.

What's New in X4A-1600?

X4A-1600 uses almost the same Key Script as X4A-1511, but makes a number of significant changes and improvements to the program:

  1. It is now built in 6th Gen build and scripting technology and methodology, meaning that the skeleton script has been upgraded from 5.11G to 6G, which makes a HUGE difference in impact and successful execution of the script.
  2. 6G's skeleton Script has been upgraded, improved and optimized over 5.11G in many ways, almost all of them major ways.  The difference between them is obvious.
  3. The Key Script now has been heavily brought up to 6G scripting standards, as well as heavily optimized.  
  4. The shield has been removed, so you can use a shield if you like, or choose not to and go for the most powerful expression of X4A-1600's energy modulation.  (Using a shield with it will result in some resource drain.  It's not something that can be avoided.)

Overall, the new program is vastly higher impact, much more powerful, much more up to date, much more advanced, much more able to deal with and get past resistance, and much better able to affect those who are of interest to the user. 

In the interest of respecting personal freedoms and free will, X4A-1600  does not tell anyone what to do with their arousal, and their responses therefore may or may not be directed towards you specifically.

The Shield

In 6G we have changed the previous standard of embedding a shield in the Skeleton Script.  Now, the skeleton Script does not include a shield, and neither does the Key Script.  However, the Skeleton Script has been re-designed to allow for the use of a single 6G shield along with one 6G title.  So if you want to use a shield, you can.  If not, then you have the choice of foregoing a shield.

This has the following benefits:

  • Using a shield alongside a title will drain resources from both, and result in an overall cost of some of the potential of both programs being spent running the second title.  This is unavoidable, no matter who says what and no matter what I or any other creator does about it.  The fact is if you divide a pie between two people, they each get less pie than if there is only one person and one pie. 
  • If you need a shield, for whatever reason, you can choose to run one. 
  • You also have the freedom to choose which shield you want to run.
  • If you don't need a shield, then you can choose not to use one, and the effects of X4A-1600 will be noticeably better because it is getting, and using, all of the available resources.


X4A-1600 has a total of 26 goals.  Most of them are there to specifically guide, modulate and optimize the aphrodisiac energy field you are projecting. 

They include a sexual sensitivity optimizer for the user and the affected, such that if you achieve sex with the person you're interested in, they will experience more pleasurable sex with you, and you will experience more pleasurable sex with them. 

This is an effect of the modulation of your energy field, so you will experience this with whomever you have sex, including yourself.  Those others who are affected will be those who spend sufficient time within your personal energy field, and those you specifically want to have sex with who are within your line of sight.

Some of the specialty modulations are secret.

Once your aphrodisiac energy field has started influencing the person you're interested in sexually, they will notice you, be sexually aroused by you and be much more willing to act on their attraction and arousal toward you (or accept your efforts to initiate), depending on how you prefer to handle the situation.  However, it is still up to you to take it from there.

These are some possible indicators that X4A-1600 is working:

  • They suddenly notice you when they didn't before.
  • They begin giving you attention, or more attention than usual.
  • They may suddenly find reasons to be near you, and may repeat this behavior as much as possible.
  • They start making prolonged and/or direct eye contact (staring).
  • Smiling at you, often repeatedly.
  • You may suddenly have them giving you hugs when this is not the norm, and asking why you didn't give them a hug.
  • Flushing red about the face, neck and shoulders. (Sex flush.)
  • Fidgeting a lot, becoming nervous.
  • Creating opportunities and excuses to be physically close to you.
  • Giving you opportunities to spend time with them, and otherwise make themselves more accessible to you in various ways.
  • Initiating conversation with you.
  • Steering conversations towards sex.
  • You may see them begin subtlety (or not-so-subtly) showing off whatever they believe are their best sexual assets, trying to get you interested. 
  • Touching you, usually casually at first, which tends to escalate in sexual ways.
  • Sharing their sexual desires with you.
  • Mentioning if they are on the pill or other types of contraceptives as a somewhat subtle invitation to you to for sex, and unprotected sex. (Wrap it anyway, in case it's not true!)
  • Inviting you to go somewhere private with them.

You may see one, some, all or none of these indicators, depending on the person and the situation.

Some people who are affected might choose not to act on, or even express, their arousal and attraction for one or more reasons; they might be in a relationship they want to keep, for example, or they may have religious reasons for choosing not to act. They may simply be too shy or inexperienced! 

In the last two cases, some encouragement or action on your part goes a long way. Some people may want to act but need help with being discreet about it. X4A-1600 encourages them to be suitably discreet, so they're more comfortable acting on their desires, but your mileage will naturally vary from person to person, and situation to situation.  You may also need to expose them to your aphrodisiac energy field multiple times before they choose to act.  How quickly and how obviously the people you affect act and re-act will depend on a lot of variables, including how intense your energy field is as a result of how you use the program.

X4A-1600 Limits

  • X4A-1600 does not attempt to control anyone's mind, force anything on them or make their choices for them. It creates an energy field that is modulated to be a powerful natural aphrodisiac for those you're most sexually interested in (of at least the minimum legal age of sexual consent) and then leaves the choice of how to proceed up to you and the person you are influencing with your energy field.  You can actively move things along or allow them to decide if anything happens as a result of the effect your energy field has on them. 
  • X4A-1600 is designed and intended to be used only by genetic males who are at least 18 years of age. It is not designed, configured or intended for use by those who are not genetically male, regardless of how they may identify.
  • X4A-1600 works for all men regardless of sexual orientation. If you're gay, straight, bisexual or whatever else, it will still work for you. It will automatically adjust how it works based on who you are interested in.
  • X4A-1600 will not turn straight people gay or bisexual, or turn gay or bisexual people straight.  Don't expect people who do not share your sexual orientation or preferences to respond with sex if you affect them.


  1. It is not a set value how big this program causes your personal energy field to become.  It can range from ~4 feet to as much as ~25, depending on various factors.  Those who are enveloped within it, or touched by it, may be affected by direct exposure to it in some way regardless of how much you want to have sex with them.
  2. The effects of this program may create a very strong impact on the people you are affecting with your energy field, and they may decide that they want more than just sex with you in response. Depending on the person and their belief system, age, personality, circumstances and interpretation of how you have affected them with your energy field, they may ask for a relationship, marriage or even request or try to have a baby with you. Therefore, to err on the side of caution, if you're interested in having sex with women...  PLEASE ALWAYS PRESUME THAT THIS PROGRAM CREATES AN EXTREME PREGNANCY RISK! 
  3. Due to its being designed for men only, this program is not calibrated for use by females and therefore should never be used by any female, and no female should ever be exposed to this audio.

Questions & Answers

Q: Can I use this to influence people at a distance, say over video chat?

A: The specific design is to affect the three people within your line of sight who you most want to have sex with, who are (of course) of legal age of consent. If you are on video chat, the person is within your line of sight and may therefore be affected, regardless of their actual physical distance from you.  Within your line of sight means that they are somewhere within a range you can see them.  They don't have to be within sight all the time, but they do have to be within range for you to be able to see them. This also applies to photographs as well.

Q: Why is this program intended for men only?

A: Because to influence a man to respond to his sexual arousal regarding someone else is much easier than getting a woman to do that very same thing.  If the program works for getting women to act on their arousal, it may cause men to respond to women using it in ways that are much more than necessary or appropriate.  While a gay man isn't going to have a problem with another gay or bisexual man coming onto him sexually in a very aggressive manner (by the standards of a heterosexual woman) in most cases, a woman is likely to perceive this as being too much, and that will only cause problems for them both.  So this program is designed, configured and intended for use by men only. 

Q: How does this program differ from DMSI?

A: X4A-1600 is very different from DMSI in almost every way.  It is a completely different script, focusing on 26 goals and is designed and intended to be light on resources, fast acting, easy to execute and fun to run.  It's intended to "just work", and start attracting others as soon as the first day you use it.  It doesn't try to work you through any fears, and its approach is designed to be simple enough not to trigger most fears in the first place.

DMSI, on the other hand, does many things that X4A-1600 does not; for example, DMSI has a celebrity effect, optimizes your natural pheromones for sexiness and adjusts the way you walk, talk, move, think, respond and act.  It encourages you to actively seduce those you want to have sex with.  And many other differences.  But it also requires months of use for many people to work through their fears of actually getting to sex, because ironically, the guys who most want sex seem to be the ones most afraid of it.  For those who do not execute it naturally from the get go, this can take a long time.

So if you want light, fast, easy and fun, then you want X4A-1600.  If you want feature rich, and are willing to spend potentially months making significant deep subconscious personal improvements to be able to achieve the goals DMSI has, then DMSI may be a better choice for you.

Q: How long will it take for me to start seeing results?

A: It is expected that users will start generating the aphrodisiac energy field within minutes, during the very first use.  How long it takes for you to see or feel the effects of projecting that field depends on a large number of factors, including how social you are, how many people are around you, how long they are within your line of sight, their age, their belief system, their personality, where you are, if they are involved, how frequently you affect them with your energy field, how much exposure time you use, what volume you use, what format you choose, how observant you are and others. 

It could range from within minutes of first encountering them on the first day you run the program to weeks or months of effort to influence them sufficiently, depending on these various factors.  For example, even if you encounter someone who has a personality that makes them likely to initiate, and they are free to and willing to initiate, you may not get very far if you only see them for an hour a week, or they otherwise have very little time or opportunity to respond.  Conversely, if you have all the variables in your favor, it may need minutes or hours of exposure to your aura or the effects this program has on those you want to have sex with to achieve noticeable results, or possibly even sex.  This is also affected by how you use the program and how much you socialize, how you respond to them and other such factors.

Q: Will this program work for anyone who uses it?

A: No. It is designed to be used by adult genetic males only, and it is not designed to try to get you to execute the script if you are too afraid to.  Version 1600 increases the impact and power levels over X4A-1511 significantly, and uses the 6G skeleton script, so execution should be considerably better regardless of fear or experience. 

6G is powerful enough that if you have fear of sex, women or anything that would prevent you from achieving sex, even without focusing on fear removal, it will try to get you to the goal of sex.  This may result in some rather uncomfortable internal experiences along the way.  However, if this happens, stick with it.  It will very likely get you past the issues that have been holding you back if you do, and then you'll be able to achieve the program goals much better.

Q: Can X4A-1600 be used by gay or bisexual men?

A: Yes.  You must be above the legal age of sexual consent, and genetically male for it to work.  It will work for gay, straight or bisexual men.

Q: Does this program use manifestation like DMSI does?

A: X4A-1600 makes no effort to manifest people into your life.  Instead, it focuses your energy on generating and projecting your aphrodisiac energy field, and then powering and modulating it as perfectly as possible.

Q: Will this program cause the affected to associate their arousal from being affected by my aura with me and me only?

A: Once they have identified that they are responding to you, yes.  However, there are circumstances where it may not be immediately apparent to the affected who they are responding to.

For example, let's say you walk into a club and sit down with another guy between you and one of the people you are most interested in having sex with.  They will begin becoming aroused and they will know it's coming from your direction, but they may at first mistakenly conclude that they are responding to the guy between you and them.  In order to prevent this, you must make sure that there is nobody else between the two of you until after the person you are interested in having sex with has firmly established in their mind that they are responding to you specifically. 

Likewise, you may find that others notice your effect on the person you are affecting, and attempt to "steal" your energy field by inserting themselves between you and that person you are affecting with your energy field.  This can be undone by simply moving to a location where nobody between you and them.  Once the affected understand that they are responding to you, it will be much easier to handle, because they will recognize others trying to step in on you and will tend to dislike this activity by the others if your effect on the affected is something they respond to positively.

Q: Can this program be used in a dance club, strip club, bar?

A: First, let me state in no uncertain terms that this program is NOT intended, configured or designed to be played in public.  NEVER play it in public!  Use it in private, and then allow those you're interested in to experience your energy field for themselves.  Otherwise you may create unlimited competition for yourself, and you may cause energy overload that can be potentially unsafe for those affected.

That said, you can certainly use this program and then go to a dance club, strip club, bar, etc. and allow your energy field to influence those around you in ways that are helpful for getting to sex with those you are interested in having sex with.  This will set you apart from others you may be competing with, especially if they would typically be significantly more interesting than you would be.

Q: Can this program be played to a group as an orgy trigger or group sex trigger?

A: NEVER expose this program to females.  Even if you observe that stricture, it is not recommended.  If too many people are simultaneously exposed, they can project so much energy in so small a space that it can cause overload of the nervous system.  This usually feels like having way too much caffeine, and may cause very serious health issues.  

Q: Will X4A-1600 cause people I do not want to have sex with to want to have sex with me?

A: X4A-1600 is designed to specifically affect those three people of legal age of sexual consent who are within your line of sight and with whom you most want to have sex.  If for some reason others do respond, you will have to deal with the effects of being exceptionally attractive sexually, just as anyone else who is exceptionally sexually attractive does, and let them know you're not interested.

Q: Can I use X4A-1600 with synthetic pheromones?

A: Using X4A-1600 with synthetic pheromones is not advised.  Firstly, it will prevent you from knowing what X4A-1600 is accomplishing versus what the pheromones are accomplishing.  Secondly, you may very well be damaging the results you get from X4A-1600 by using the wrong pheromones, too high a dose of pheromones, or contradicting what the aura is trying to accomplish with what the pheromones are communicating and how they are affecting those around you. Finally, X4A-1600 is designed to have an effect that should be superior to natural and synthetic pheromones in multiple ways, which would be degraded or destroyed by using artificial pheromones with this program. 

Q: Can I use X4A-1600 with another subliminal or mind programming method?

A: This is a 6G title, so it is designed to be usable with a single 6G shielding subliminal.  However, that will have consequences.  If you use a shield, it will necessarily be using energy and resources that will then not go to powering the modulation of your personal energy field, so the effects of both titles will be less than they would be on their own.

This title is specifically NOT compatible with the Black Hole Shield. 

There is no other combination of titles or forms of mind programming that you can or should use with this one.

Q: Can I use X4A-1600 with some other type of aphrodisiac?

A: This is not recommended because they may conflict, and in the case that the other aphrodisiac is a subliminal or other mind programming method, it may damage the effects that X4A-1600 has on you to get you to project the energy field it is trying to get you to project.  Besides, you should not need to pair this with another aphrodisiac.

Q: Is there anything I should avoid when using X4A-1600?

A: Yes.  You should avoid using X4A-1600 in situations where alcohol or drugs are involved, when the result could be that the person affected responds when the alcohol or drugs wear off by concluding that any sex you had was not consensual.  That's pretty darned good advice in general, as well.  Always make sure  that any sex you have is always mutually consensual, without the shadow of a doubt. 

Once again... NEVER expose any female to the audio.

Also make sure that you fully understand how this program affects you before you partake in any drugs or alcohol.

Q: Will X4A-1600 protect me from pregnancy, diseases, sex with people who are crazy and things like that?

A: No.  It generates arousal within whomever you most want to have sex who is of at least the minimum age of legal sexual consent and who is also within your line of sight, and you take it from there.  You are entirely responsible for your own choices, including having safe sex, whom you choose to have sex with and what the consequences of your choices are.

Q: Can I use X4A-1600 to affect how my spouse or significant other responds to me?

A: As long as you do not expose any female to the audio, yes, it can be used to help improve how your significant other responds to you as a result of your having used it and you projecting an aphrodisiac energy field.  I find that under these circumstances, it helps increase sexual frequency, female initiation, passion, ease of orgasm for her, and how good the sex and orgasms feel for both parties.

Q: Since this program affects people within my line of sight, do I have to be able to see them the whole time that I want to affect them? 

A: No, but that does help.  They need to be within the vicinity of what you can see, and you need to have seen them within that vicinity.  As long as you see them at least occasionally, or especially if you can see them with your peripheral vision (even if you're not consciously paying attention) it will still work.

Q: Who exactly will this aura affect?

A: It will specifically affect the three people within your line of sight, who are at least the minimum legal age of sexual consent, with whom you most consciously and subconsciously want to have physical sex.

It will also affect those who spend enough time physically within your personal energy field, according to the limiters in the program.

Q: How long is one loop of this program?

A: 15 minutes per loop.

Q: Are there any side effects?

A: While testing this experience, I noted the following side effects.  First, it made me hungrier than I usually get.  Second, it made me hungry faster than I usually get after eating.  Third, it made me more tired at the end of the day.  And fourth, it caused my sex drive to increase considerably while I used it and during the off days as well.  The first three of these side effects are the result of how much energy the experience causes the user to project through their personal energy field.  The last is a consequence of how sexual that energy is.  You are not guaranteed to experience these side effects, and the program can certainly still be active and working if you do not.  But if you experience any side effects, one or more of these are what you will experience.  

Q: This program makes me really horny.  Can I masturbate and still have it work?

A: Masturbation in response to an aphrodisiac like this would seem to make perfect sense, but there are two important things to consider first.

  1. By masturbating, you are expressing and depleting the very energy that you are trying to use to power your personal energy field and sexualize it so that it has the arousal effect on those you want to have sex with.  If you masturbate, this will decrease the energy and the effectiveness and impact your personal energy field has on others, making your results less, less frequent and less successful.
  2. Masturbation in response to an aphrodisiac is very frequently an act of self sabotage.  Because of the truth of Point 1 above, if some part of your subconscious is afraid of sex, women, consequences of sex or the perceived threats present in getting to sex, it may attempt to prevent you from succeeding by urging you to effectively drain that energy through masturbation.  You didn't spend this kind of money just to masturbate your success away.  So... don't masturbate in response to this program.  Make it work for achieving sex with someone else instead.


NEVER expose any female to this program's audio.

There are different instructions for different groups.

For men who have moderate to high levels of experience with dating and sex, and do not have unusual difficulty getting to sex with women in general:

Use this program for 1 (One) loop per day (15 minutes total) per day on, for 6 (Six) days on and 5 (Five) days off per usage cycle.

Use it at a volume of 8 (Eight) out of 15 on an Android cell phone through the phone speakers, within arm's reach.

On an iPhone's speakers, play it at 9 (Nine) out of 16 clicks, within arm's reach.

For Google and other phones, play it at the closest you can get to 53% of full volume, within arm's reach.

A full run-through is 2 (two) months of usage like this.  You can use it multiple run-throughs in a row, but please use it in whole run-throughs of 2 months each.

Always listen to it with your cell phone within arm's reach. 

For virgins, those with low levels of sexual and dating experience and those with inhibiting anxiety regarding sex or females for whatever reason:

Use this program for 3 (three) loops per day (45 minutes total) per day on, for 6 (Six) days on and 4 (Four) days off per usage cycle.

Use it at a volume of 4 (Four) out of 15 on an Android cell phone through the phone speakers, with the phone within arm's reach.

On an iPhone, play it through the phone's speakers within arm's reach at 5 (Five) out of 16 clicks of volume.

For Google and other phones, play it at the closest you can get to 27% of full volume.

A full run-through is 2 (two) months of usage like this.  You can use it multiple run-throughs in a row, but please use it in whole run-throughs of 2 months each.

Always listen to it with your cell phone within arm's reach. 

As usual, this program cannot be used with any other subliminal or mind programming, except where stated above.

This program does not use AutoConfig.  Please use it as instructed.


Always use Ultrasonic format unless for some reason you genuinely cannot.  In that case, always use Masked format instead, unless you have deafness or Masked format does not produce results after 1 month.  Only then should you consider using Hybrid format.  In almost all cases, Hybrid will be overkill.

To be eligible for a refund, you must use this program according to the instructions for at least one full run-through without getting results.

SHA256 Sums

[shannon@localhost Compressed]$ sha256sum *

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