Primal Masculinity 5.11G (Type A/B/C/D Hybrid)


This program is not designed or intended to be or act as any kind of medical diagnosis, treatment or cure for any disease or condition.  It is not first aid, nor is it designed or intended to replace proper medical or psychological attention, diagnosis, treatment and/or care from an appropriate and properly licensed medical or psychological professional. It is not designed or intended to replace any drug, be a treatment for cancer or be used to or relied upon to save lives.

End Disclaimer

Is This Experience For You?

With a name like Primal Masculinity, it's got to be good, right? But this program isn't for everybody. 

If you...

  • Are genetically and physically male
  • Are free to embrace your primal masculinity
  • Want to focus yourself into your masculinity and/or
  • Want to prepare for using Alpha Male v7...

Then Primal Masculinity is the subliminal experience for you!

However, this program may cause serious challenges for you if you find yourself in a position or circumstance in which embracing your primal masculinity may cause issues.  For example:

  1. You're 18 or older and living with your parents because you either can't afford to move out, or are afraid to move out, or are for some other reason "unable" to move out.
  2. You've had to move back in with your parents or family in order to take care of a sick and/or aging parent or family member.
  3. You live in a matriarchal living situation, where you embracing your primal masculinity could cause problems of some sort. 

Consider that under these conditions, it may be better to put yourself in a different circumstance before using this program.  Think it through before proceeding.

How does Primal Masculinity define "masculinity"?

There are many different points of view on and definitions of what "masculinity" is.

Each "school of masculinity", as I will call them, has a different take on what "masculinity" is and how it is defined.  Each will accept one or more concepts that are generally considered to be masculine in nature and focus more on some of those than others. 

For example, some emphasize physical strength, physical prowess and the ability to fight, hunt and defend oneself.  Others may emphasize monetary wealth, general success or the ability to recover from disaster.  Yet others may emphasize the responsibility of the man, his ability to take care of and provide for a family, how reliable and trustworthy he is, how much self control he exhibits and his ability to defend and serve his country.

But the question still arises: which of these schools of thought is right?  And therein lies the real challenge in making this program. Because for different men, different schools of masculinity are right.

This experience therefore does not even try to define "masculinity" for you.  If I were to design it to do that, it would reflect my personal definition of masculinity, which would not work for everyone out there.  Each of the different schools of masculinity has their own followers because each resonates with a different person, who has a different body, a different past, a different point of view and a different understanding of what "masculine" is.

Because I know that my personal definition does not work for everyone, I give you the freedom to bring your own definition of masculinity to this program, and have it work with that.  This has the benefits of meaning that it will work for you, whatever school of masculinity resonates with you.  At the same time, it puts the responsibility squarely on your shoulders - where it should be - for what your definition of masculinity is.  (And if you don't like what it is right now - change it!)

What Does This Experience Do?

Primal Masculinity focuses you into your primal masculinity.  It has many goals to accomplish this.  Here are some of them:

  1. It optimizes your hormones for primal masculinity.  Your hormones and hormone levels are critical for being able to express many of the physical aspects of masculinity.
  2. It optimizes your beliefs for primal masculinity.  Your beliefs are critical for allowing you to accept, act on and express your masculinity.
  3. It optimizes your choices for primal masculinity.  Your choices result in what you experience in life.  If your choices are incompatible with achieving primal masculinity, then you will never achieve it.  This goal corrects that issue.
  4. It optimizes your attitudes for primal masculinity.  Your attitude  is how you express your self, your masculinity, your mood and your presence.  Optimizing it for primal masculinity becomes a feedback loop, helping you become more and more focused into your primal masculinity over time.
  5. It optimizes your motivation for primal masculinity.  Your motivation feeds into not just achieving primal masculinity, but being part of it.  Most schools of masculinity teach that a motivated man is a masculine man.
  6. It optimizes your lifestyle for primal masculinity.  Your lifestyle has a lot of peripheral impact on achieving and expressing your primal masculinity which includes general health, what you spend your time and money on and how you do what you do.
  7. It optimizes your diet for primal masculinity.  Your diet - what and how much you eat and drink - is what you are building your body, your hormones and your health from, and how this balances your muscle vs your fat levels.
  8. It optimizes your self image for primal masculinity.  Your self image is what enables you to achieve primal masculinity, and what becomes and expresses your primal masculinity.
  9. It optimizes your personal energy for primal masculinity.  By personal energy, I mean that Primal Masculinity will flood you with energy that matches your definition of "primal masculinity", which will saturate you with it and help you become, be and express it.
  10. It optimizes your point of view for primal masculinity.  Your point of view shapes everything; it is your frame, how you see the world and what shapes your conclusions about the world around you, and thus your beliefs, which are the basis for what you want, what you do, what you choose, how you act and everything else.
  11. It optimizes your ability to ignore and be unaffected by attacks on your masculinity.  The more you focus into your masculinity, the more someone else is going to either become jealous (because they want to, but don't have what it takes) or because they want to control and manipulate you, but realize that the more you are focused into your masculinity, the more you will be in control of yourself.  This module helps you develop a thick skin, so you can handle and deal with these people and how they respond to your focus into your primal masculinity.
  12. It optimizes your openness to being, expressing and owning your for primal masculinity. For some of you, there will be beliefs that tell you that being, expressing and owning your natural masculinity is to be avoided, to be hidden, or somehow a bad thing or "toxic". This goal helps you throw all that BS in the trash and embrace, accept and own your natural masculinity.
  13. And more. (Much more.)

As you can clearly see, this program is going to be exceptionally good for those of you who want to embrace their masculinity, but for whatever reason either do not, or do not embrace it as much as they want to.  This experience will adjust and focus you in all the right ways to be able to achieve your primal masculinity, and make this your new lifestyle.

It is also great for men who are masculine already, but who want to improve, deepen, strengthen and purify their masculinity according to their current definition of it.  After all, a man is in his element when he is being, accepting and expressing masculinity.

Masculinity vs "Primal" Masculinity

"Primal" is an important modifier, because it points us not to modern definitions of masculinity, but the original form of it. Whatever school of masculinity you follow, there will be a "primal" version of that school's definition of masculinity. 

Primal means not just the original, the most essential, the purest form of, the core of.  No frills.  Primal masculinity isn't subtle or complex.  It's not nuanced.  It's masculinity in it's most most essential, most pure form.   It cuts through the fluff, all the niceties and all the unimportant stuff, and gets to the heart of what masculinity is. 

By returning to a focus on primal masculinity, a man can quickly and effectively make a great deal of change in himself and his life for the better. 

If you want to fully embrace your masculine nature, and get in touch with (or get in better touch with) your inner man-beast, this is a great way to do it. It's also a great way to prepare yourself for running the Alpha Male Subliminal Training Set Version 7.

How would your life change if you were to fully accept your natural masculinity? Do you dare to experience your primal masculinity?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: How long will it take for me to start seeing results from this program?

A: You may start experiencing some form of results within as little as minutes to as much as a week or two.  It will depend on your personality type and physiology.  Most people will start to see noticeable results within between 1 hour and 3 days. 

Q: Can I use this to prepare for Alpha Male v6?

A: You could, but it isn't recommended.  The technology differences between these two programs are not very compatible in this case. 

Q: Does Primal Masculinity have an auric shield?

A: Yes, Primal Masculinity uses the Grounding Shield, which sends negative energy and intent into the ground to be recycled into different energy.

Q: What's the difference between this program and Alpha Male 6 or 7?

A: The Alpha Male training sets are much more complex programs aimed at transforming you into a Transcendent Alpha.  They are so complex that they require multiple stages to accomplish the job. 

This program is not trying to turn you into a Transcendent Alpha, or even an alpha male; it's job is to put you in touch with your own unique masculine core, enable you to embrace, accept and develop it, and then be able to accept and express yourself as truly, primally masculine.  In other words, it's goal is to return the man who uses it to being a man.

Q: How is this program different from DMSI?

A: DMSI is an aphrodisiac, designed to cause you to project an aura that arouses women.  Primal masculinity is designed to focus you into and cause you to develop and embrace your masculine core.  They do completely different things.

Q: Will this program make me an alpha male?

A: No.  It will focus you into your unique masculine core, and help you develop and accept that masculine core.  This is a good basis for working to become an "alpha male", but this program is not designed to make you an alpha male.

Q: Will this program make me violent or abusive?

A: No. What you may experience, though, is a surge in testosterone that makes you respond differently to stress or anger for a time.  It may "shorten your fuse", so to speak, and while you are getting used to this new hormonal level and balance, you will have to be mindful of how you respond to things that anger, frustrate or annoy you to make sure you do not act inappropriately.  This may require a period of calibration for you.

Q: Will this turn me into a jerk?

A: No.  Being a jerk is generally about being selfish, self important and taking advantage of others.  This program does not help you do any of that.

Q: Does this program work for bisexual or gay men? 

A: Because the definition of masculinity is left up to the user, it can work for any genetic man who is naturally more focused into the masculine than the feminine, according to his definition of masculinity. 

Q: How will the hormone adjustments this program makes affect me?

A: Typically, men will notice that they feel more energetic, younger, more bold and less willing to put up with breaches of their boundaries.  They will tend to be less fearful and more expressive and assertive.  In some cases, he may experience irritability for a time as his body adjusts to the new hormone balance and levels.  In many cases, this will have a positive effect on his sexual response and experience as well.

Q: Can I use this with hormone therapy or steroids?

A: This program will affect your hormones in such a way that using hormone therapy or steroids at the same time may result in certain hormone levels that are too high.  In some cases, such as with testosterone, this can have serious negative effects and side effects. Therefore, do not attempt to use this program with hormone therapy or steroids without your doctor's approval.

Q: What are the benefits of not having this program define masculinity for me?

A: You can choose your own definition of masculinity.  Your definition can change as you grow as a person.  And my definition may not work for everyone.

Q: Can I expose this program to children or females?

A: NEVER expose any child under the age of legal adulthood, or any genetic female to this program! 

Q: Can I use this program to get women or sex?

A: This program is designed to focus you into your own masculinity, and develop that within you.  It is not intended to be a way to get women or sex.  However, the effects of this program's results will strongly tend to make women notice you more, and polarize them into two camps.  There will be those who respond with attraction and arousal to your increased masculinity, and those who want to challenge or attack you for it.  The more masculinity you embody and express, the more attractive you will become both sexually and romantically to a subset of women who resonates with that level of masculinity.  Typically, a man will attract a woman who is as feminine as he is masculine.  So it is possible to have using this program result in more interest from women, more attraction from women and more sex from women, but that is not the goal of this program.  It is a natural side effect, and the degree to which any given man experiences it will depend on a number of different factors.

Q: Does this program have a gender or age limiter?

A: Yes, it has both.  It is designed to only work for males who have XY chromosomes and who are legally adults.

Q: Can I use other subliminals at the same time I am using this one?

A: That is a HARD NO, with one exception, which is using this program occasionally instead of frequently.  It will compete with anything else you're using for resources.  So if you're using something else, limit your use of this particular program to 1-2 times per week.

Q: How long is one loop of this program?

A: This program is 60 minutes of audio per loop.


It is important that you always use this experience from a cell phone through the cell phone speakers if it is at all possible to do so, and keep the cell phone within arm's reach while using this program; this is necessary for achieving specific accurate control of the volume.

Exposure Time

Use this experience for 1 loop per day on, for 4 days on and 1 days off per usage cycle. 

One full run-through is 6 months of these usage cycles. 

If you experience urges to use this program in a different way, especially if the urge is a craving, follow the urges, as this will be the AutoConfig scripting getting your subconscious to optimize the usage patterns for you. However, if you experience the desire to use this program for less time than instructed, be careful, as this may be a subconscious effort to escape from the program.


To achieve the best results from this program, use the ultrasonic format on a cell phone through the cell phone speakers, keep it within arm's reach while you listen, and use it at the best volume. 

The best volume will be as follows:

For users of Android phones with 15 total possible clicks of volume, play it at a volume of 10 out of 15 clicks.

For iPhone users, who have a total of 16 possible clicks of volume to work with, use it at a volume of 11 out of 16 clicks.

For Google phone users who have a total of 30 possible clicks of volume to work with, use it at a volume of 20 out of 30 clicks.

For those who have any other kind of phone, or a phone with any other number of clicks of volume, play it as close to 66% of maximum volume as you can get it.

Refund Requirements

To be eligible for a refund, you must use this program for at least three months consecutively according to the instructions without having any discernible effect from using it.

SHA256 Sums

[shannon@LW520PCL compressed]$ sha256sum *

163345b9ec21fc648f7aaaa3a283d2bbf8adfa15c2631df2463c6738cddb4790  Primal_Masculinity_5p11G_HDA_40_Hybrid_Subliminal_(Ocean_Surf_Silent).flac

6f830b47bbbc517ab9791042c9a72b1d9638c8265f251a3dda62e00ff88ade4b  Primal_Masculinity_5p11G_HDA_40_Hybrid_Subliminal_(Trickling_Stream_Silent).flac

687907077a2f73c986fb6d04163a3bba93aa2054b26203321c480e0edc4d2197  Primal_Masculinity_5p11G_HDA_40_Masked_Subliminal_(Ocean_Surf).flac

9ef31869d024fde2c7f72d7dd5d42b2d8b3c0565d2367f942a281448438da874  Primal_Masculinity_5p11G_HDA_40_Masked_Subliminal_(Trickling_Stream).flac

bd8195bfd8ca94f82b5a43ba1929cbf7c3a512698ef7ef98babe72cb1d27ddac  Primal_Masculinity_5p11G_HDA_40_Ultrasonic_Subliminal_(Silent).flac

[shannon@LW520PCL compressed]$ sha256sum *.txt

ae3edde2531cf10e87e222cb490bb932369a92a925acb7d79babe3be6a751101  Primal_Masculinitu_5p11G_SHA256Sum_Hashes.txt

[shannon@LW520PCL compressed]$