Sex Magnet for Men Version 3.0 will take your results from running the six stage Alpha Male training set v6 and turn you from an alpha male into an irresistibly seductive Sex Magnet. Please note that it is designed specifically to begin where Alpha Male 5.0/6.0 leaves off, and does require that you have used one of those programs fully before you start using this one.
Not only does this program work to make you a calm, natural, smooth operator when it comes to finding, approaching and seducing beautiful women, but it goes far beyond that in several directions. It actually turns the tables and gets beautiful women to approach, pursue and try to seduce YOU! And in Version 3.0, you will see this happening sooner than it happened in Version 2.0, more frequently, and more obviously, too.
“I just cannot believe how much this SM [V2.0] sub has brought brought[sic] me esp. after finishing. Since finishing I’m now dating and having sex with 5 different women that pursue me on a daily basis.
- Ryan [Link]
Imagine, if you will, a man who can do what he pleases and have whatever woman he wants. He is extremely attractive and desirable to beautiful women sexually, and easily forms a deep sexual connection with them without even trying. His personal energy is such that beautiful women instantly notice and find him unmistakably sexually attractive, not even fully understanding why. His body language, attitude, actions, speech and choice of words tells them that he is the man they want to sleep with, and they are safe and welcome to approach and initiate what they want with him. His gaze pierces through to the heart of the matter, and communicates his status, desires, masculinity and sexuality immediately and comfortably. Without even a word, he can and does instantly convey to her that she is going to be his lover, and in doing so, make her quickly want the same thing he does. Presuming, of course, that she didn’t already!
This is the Sex Magnet. A man completely comfortable with himself, and around beautiful women, who is not just the object of their sexual interest, attention, efforts and desire, but for whom it is normal. A man who has nothing to lose and nothing to hide, so he is completely and unashamedly honest when he tells a woman he wants her… and that she’s not the only woman he may be enjoying. A man who knows how to touch women to relax and arouse them with su