Male Enhancement v3 (For Length) 5.11G (Type A/B/C/D Hybrid)


This program is not designed or intended to be or act as any kind of medical diagnosis, treatment or cure for any disease or condition.  It is not designed or intended to replace proper medical or psychological attention, diagnosis, treatment and/or care from an appropriate and properly licensed medical or psychological professional. It is not designed or intended to replace any drug or be used to or relied upon to save lives. 

End Disclaimer

If you bought Male Enhancement Version 2 (Length Only or Length & Girth)...

If you bought a copy of Male Enhancement Version 2 (Length Only or Length & Girth; this offer does not include Girth Only), and you did not experience at least 1 centimeter or a quarter of an inch of permanent gains in erect length after using it properly, you are eligible to get a one time use coupon from Ben on the back end to take the full price of Version 2 off of this purchase.  This does not apply if you bought Girth Only or you subscribed to it instead of buying it.

If you subscribed to Length or Length & Girth v2 and you used it properly for at least one full run-through and did not experience at least 1 centimeter or a quarter of an inch of permanent gains in erect length after using it properly, you are eligible to get a one time use coupon from Ben on the back end to take $100 off the purchase price of this program if you purchase it.  We have no way of doing this sort of thing for a subscription, so you need to buy a copy of v3 (not subscribe to it) to get this deal.

Important Note!

You must get this coupon for use when purchasing this program - not afterwards! The coupon will only work if you use it as a discount when purchasing this specific program, so get it from Ben FIRST.  If you buy this program and do not have the coupon already, you are agreeing to forego this offer, and we will not reimburse you after the fact.

About This Experience

Naturally, Male Enhancement v3 for Length is designed to give men the experience of increased penis length. This version is not designed to limit the penis growth to "length only", so it should produce a proportionate growth in thickness as well.

There are only a few ways to increase penis size:

  • There are pills and herbs.
  • There are physical activities and devices.
  • There is mind over matter.

Pills and herbs don't actually increase your penis size.  They can, however, give the illusion of growth (if they do anything at all) by causing your penis to inflate with blood more fully when you get an erection.  You can tell this is true because the size of your penis while it is flaccid will not change, and you will have to keep using the pills or herbs to keep the "gains".  Real growth doesn't go away when you stop using the product.

Physical activities include hanging weights from your penis, manually stretching it every day and using vacuum pumps.  Some of these activities may in some cases increase the length of your penis, but they typically do nothing to increase the thickness of it.  Furthermore, if you do the activity incorrectly, or try to rush it, you can cause yourself pain and potentially even scarring of your penis tissue.  Finally, this approach requires a lot of discipline.  You have to remember to do it every day, and you have to deal with actually doing it.  This requires discipline, time, motivation and may require you to endure discomfort or even pain.  Not recommended.

Mind Over Matter is the approach used here.  It is based on the fact that your subconscious mind is the control panel for your physical body.  If you can get your subconscious mind to understand what you want to change, and then get it to agree to make that change, you can achieve some very nice results. 

Unfortunately, even this approach has some serious "gotchas".  First, you must understand how to communicate with the subconscious awareness.  Second, you must understand how to communicate to it what you want to achieve in a way it understands to mean the same thing you consciously want. (Not necessarily so easily done, as turned out to be the case with this program.)  Third, you must get it to cooperate, and actually do what is necessary to achieve the goals.  (Again, not always the easiest thing to do.)  And last, you must get it to act strongly enough and in the right ways to actually accomplish the goal.  (This part turns out to be very tricky to get right.)

Because of this, most of the options for increasing penis size that use the mind over matter approach have one or more fatal flaws that cause them to fail.  The biggest problem that is encountered is that it is easy to get the penis to more fully inflate with blood during an erection, but it requires very special, very specific and VERY carefully worded instructions to get the subconscious to actually cause the tissues of the penis to actually physically grow. Getting this part right is an absolute showstopper for nearly all mind over matter options.

To the best of my knowledge, this program is the ONLY subliminal option that can actually and successfully result in real, permanent physical growth of the tissues of the penis.  Learning how to successfully do this (and do it safely) required more than five years of research, development, experimentation and testing.

If you want to actually, successfully and permanently increase your penis length only, then this program is the experience for you!

Version 3 makes the following changes from Version 2:

  1. Version 2 was built in technology generation 5.9.  This version is built in Gen 5.11.4.  This two generations step up in technology, which is a very significant amount.
  2. Male Enhancement v3 is many, many times higher in impact than v2.  It should therefore be able to accomplish its goals in those rare cases where Version 2 might have been slowed down or prevented from doing so for whatever reason.
  3. Version 3 uses a Grounding Shield.  This allows for active shielding, without using unreasonable amounts of energy that could go to the primary goal of the program.
  4. There has been an improvement and optimization to the script in V3 that should make this version work much better than v2 did.

Safely making changes to physical flesh takes time. It cannot go faster than your body can safely grow flesh without having problems.  BE PATIENT.  The goal is a permanent increase in penis size without causing yourself problems in the process, and that takes time.  If you think this is going to take days or weeks, you're looking for a magic wand that doesn't exist (no pun intended!).  Growing any flesh too fast can cause problems.  This program will work at the maximum SAFE speed.


  • This program's penis enlargement results cannot be reversed.  It will instruct your subconscious awareness and body to continue trying to increase the size of your penis for as long as you are listening to it.  Be careful not to over-do it!  Stop listening when you have reached a size that works for you and your partner.
  • Do not expose this program to anyone who is not genetically and physically male. 
  • Do not expose this program to anyone who is not legally an adult, and who is also not finished developing physically into an adult.
  • Do not use this program with any other male enhancement method of any kind.  Not only will you be unable to tell what is having what effect, you may cause the results to be nullified, reduced or gain too much too fast and develop permanent problems by using more than one male enhancement method at a time.  DON'T be stupid, or impatient.  DON'T risk it.  You only get ONE penis.
  • Do not use this program with any other hormone therapy or hormone influencer of any kind.
  • This program is NOT a joke, a toy or a scam.  DO NOT treat it as such.  Treat it with respect and use it with care.  You cannot reverse the growth it causes!

Questions & Answers

Q: Is there a variant for increasing both length and thickness, or just thickness?

A: No.  This version is for length, but does not explicitly limit growth to length only.  As a result, it should allow for proportionate growth in girth as well.

Q: If I used Version 1 and/or 2, can I gain more by also using Version 3?

A: If you used Version 1 or 2, the adjustments, advancements and optimizations made to upgrade this from v2 to v3 should allow you to see an increase again by using this program.

Q: How quickly will this increase my penis length?

A: It will be a slow, gradual growth pattern that takes several months, just like it did when you were going through puberty.

Q: How long will this make my penis if I just keep using it?

A: Theoretically, there is no limit.  In the real world, there may be limits we don't know about, and even if it does continue to increase in length for as long as you are using this program, there will come a time when you don't want it any longer.

Q: When I stop using it, will my penis stop growing?

A: Growth will stop when you stop using this program.  There is no danger of it continuing to grow once you stop listening to the program.

Q: Will this straighten my penis if it has a curve or bend to it?

A: This program is only designed to increase the size of your penis.

Q: Does this increase length, thickness/girth or both?

A: It is designed to increase length, but also does not explicitly limit growth to length only, as v2 of this program did.  Therefore, I believe that it should result in proportionate growth of thickness as well as length.

Q: How do I measure my penis size accurately to determine what this program actually did?

A: Before you use this program, use a string or tape measure to measure it both flaccid and at maximum erection in length and how big around it is.  Without pulling or stretching your penis, support it from below, parallel to the ground as you are standing.

Place one end of the string or tape measure at the base of your penis on the top of it, closest to your belly and then measure it to the tip.  Then either note the length on the tape measure, or measure the string.  This must be done while at maximum erection and while it is in the most flaccid state.

Then in each state, wrap the string or tape measure once around the circumference of your shaft about half way from the base to the tip to measure your flaccid and erect girth (thickness).  Be gentle, and do not tighten or loosen it too much or the result will be wrong.  You want as accurate a measurement as possible.  Then repeat the procedure of measuring the string or tape measure.  Remember that nobody else needs to know what your measurements are if you don't want them to, so BE ACCURATE.

Repeat this process again after finishing the program.

Q: How frequently should I measure my penis while using this program?

A: Measure your penis size just before you begin using the program, and again just after you finish using the program.  Do not measure it every hour, day, week, month, etc.

Q: How big is too big?  Is there such a thing as "too big"?

A: There is, indeed, such a thing as "too big".  Too big is when your sex partner cannot have sex with you comfortably.  Too big is when you don't have enough blood in your body to get a full erection.  Too big is when the size of your penis becomes inconvenient or uncomfortable.  This will be different for every man.  I suggest you consult your sex partner to see what they are comfortable with.

Q: Can I use this while I am using one or more other penis enlargement methods?

A: NEVER do that, because:

    When your penis increases in length, you won't know for sure which method did the job.

    You may be using incompatible methods that may slow down, interfere with, negate each other or create unexpected or undesirable results.

    If you get no results, you won't know if one method was actually working and was contradicted by something else.

    Using multiple penis enlargement methods at the same time may cause your penis to grow too quickly, which may result in pain, physical damage and/or scarring; or, grow too much.

    Since this program is designed and intended to be used by itself as your only penis enlargement method, you will not be eligible for a refund if you use it with any other penis enlargement method.

Q: Can I return my penis to its previous size after increasing it using this program?

A: No.  If this program works as designed for you, there will be permanent enlargement, and there is no way to reduce your penis size except possibly through plastic surgery.  Be sure you want to enlarge it, and that you want to enlarge it as much as you do.

Q: Will this program affect females or anyone other than adult males?

A: The program is designed and scripted to ONLY affect those who are physically and genetically male and who are at least 18 years old.  Regardless, DO NOT expose anyone who is under 18, or who is not genetically and physically male, or who does not wish to be affected by this program.

Q: Can I use this if I'm under 18?

A: No.  Not only is it designed to not work for someone under 18, but you are still developing, and this program may interfere with the natural development process of those who are under 18, which could result in a penis that is too big to get a full erection, uncomfortable for your sex partner and generally unsuitable for what you want to use it for.  Do not try to use this if you are under 18.

Q: How long is one loop of this program?

A: This program is 65 minutes of audio per loop.


It is important that you always use this experience from a cell phone through the cell phone speakers if it is at all possible to do so, and keep the cell phone within arm's reach while using this program; this is necessary for achieving specific accurate control of the volume.

Use this program for 65 minutes per day on (1 loop), for 6 (Six) days on and 1 (One) day off per cycle.  A full run-through is 6 (Six) consecutive months of these cycles without interruption.  Use this program in blocks of 6 (Six) months at a time, and as many run-throughs as you like after the first.

If you experience urges to use this program in a different way, especially if the urge is a craving, follow the urges, as this will be the AutoConfig scripting getting your subconscious to optimize the usage patterns for you. However, if you experience the desire to use this program for less time than instructed, be careful, as this may be a subconscious effort to escape from the program.


To achieve the best results from this program, use the ultrasonic format on a cell phone through the cell phone speakers, keep it within arm's reach while you listen, and use it at the best volume. 

The best volume will be as follows:

For users of Android phones with 15 total possible clicks of volume, play it at a volume of 9 out of 15 clicks.

For iPhone users, who have a total of 16 possible clicks of volume to work with, use it at a volume of 10 out of 16 clicks.

For Google phone users who have a total of 30 possible clicks of volume to work with, use it at a volume of 18 out of 30 clicks.

For those who have any other kind of phone, or a phone with any other number of clicks of volume, play it as close to 60% of maximum volume as you can get it.

Refund Requirements

To be eligible for a refund, you must use this program for at least one full run-through according to the instructions without having any discernible effect from using it.

SHA256 Sums

[shannon@LW520PCL 65 Minutes]$ sha256sum *

065e85abf0a32f8ba7135c84b324c2c7ea479b9a9dc33c0f95067230bb2bb276 Male_Enhancement_V3_Length_5p11G_HDA_65m_Hybrid_Subliminal_(Ocean_Surf_Silent).flac

54cde6923ef7207f3f36110cac76ec7b628e9df8d4301328683ddf95bdbe0e27 Male_Enhancement_V3_Length_5p11G_HDA_65m_Hybrid_Subliminal_(Trickling_Stream_Silent).flac

c3b995d71b070166f04dff0e6a6758e709b523b54e61fd2927383e676644cf38 Male_Enhancement_V3_Length_5p11G_HDA_65m_Masked_Subliminal_(Ocean_Surf).flac

4eac60ddb486741e2c335a914343ae9ed25e9962c1ccc8ce720c120d5e948675 Male_Enhancement_V3_Length_5p11G_HDA_65m_Masked_Subliminal_(Trickling_Stream).flac

f9230eda660351aa0f5d5a699192b3bbe81d959fe5688b7aedb508e98f82f778 Male_Enhancement_V3_Length_5p11G_HDA_65m_Ultrasonic_Subliminal_(Silent).flac

[shannon@LW520PCL 65 Minutes]$ sha256sum *.txt

14d5062ebe330288876104a744b86702736ec2994d1f31da4f195dfca82db75a Male_Enhancement_v3_Length_65m_SHA256Sum_Hashes.txt

[shannon@LW520PCL 65 Minutes]$